Chapter 1

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Alec's POV

"I like you." Nick says bluntly making me more aware of the fact I just got out of the shower and haven't put a shirt on.

"And I like Nick." Lucas grumbles.

"Huh?" I say stupidly. Nick and Lucas are my long time acquaintances, we have known each other for years but never really talked. I do however have a bit of a crush on Lucas, it sort of just happened.

I hear a whistle and glare at Jacob. "Who would have guessed this would be the reason for the sleep over." Both Lucas and Nick asked me to have a sleep over with them and we decided on my house and since my best friend Jacob is my neighbor he decided to intrude. Without consent that little bastard.

"Wait, why are you guys telling me this?" I ask confused by both their confessions.

"Well, I confessed to Nick but he said he likes you and that he isn't changing his mind. So if you could please, ruthlessly deny him so I can comfort and steal his heart." Lucas says completely calm and composed.

Well, I mean if we are throwing our cards down, might as well be honest "Sorry Nick, you are definitely my type but I actually like lucas."

"Oh? When did that happen?" Lucas asks surprised.

"A long time ago, and let me say just how annoying it is to like an asshole who acts like a good guy on the surface." I grumble and he smirks.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." We all stare at him disbelieving.

"So Lucas likes Nick but Nick likes Alec and Alec likes Lucas?" Jacob states.

"Sounds about right." I answer.

"That's an interesting love triangle." Jacob says in a whisper.

It gets quiet.

"Since you like me so much why don't you give Nick to me?" Lucas asks.

"Hell no, then MY feelings would remain unrequited." I glare at my dickwad of a crush.

"How about YOU give ME Alec, since you love me so much." Nick mimics Lucas's cold tone.

"No." Is his only response.

"See, it's not nice to taste your own words." Nick whispers.

"Ugh, so basically this sleep over is to decide who gets hurt and who gets to be a couple." I state.

Both of them think it over before nodding. We begin to come up with different scenarios and bicker about who should be with who.

"shut up and just date each other already. Who says you have to have only one lover." Jacob interrupts

"Society Jacob, society says one lover." Lucas mumbles.

"Society also says you shouldn't be gay, so if your breaking one rule, might as well break another." He says getting up and leaving.

"It does seem to be the only way we can make it work without anyone being killed by depression." I say.

Silence falls once again.

"Ok. If I get to be with Alec I don't mind." Nick takes hold of my hand and I can't help the blush that invades my cheeks.

Lucas sighs "I knew this would happen, whatever I'll share for now."

I grin. Not only did I catch a demon bastard I've had my eyes on but I also caught a romantic.

"Now that we are officially dating..." Lucas smirks pulling Nick by his collar into a deep kiss.

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