Chapter 1

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Niall POV

"So, exactly what are we doing?", I asked.

"We are staying in the US for a while", Liam said, "we are each required to help out a fan".

"With what?"

"Their life. They're less-privileged fans. Without help, they would never meet us".

"He's right", Paul said, walking up, "so each of you put your hands in this bowl. You have to draw numbers to see what child you're working on".

We each put our hands inside and drew a number. "I have Carrie, a girl that doesn't have clean water to drink everyday", Harry said.

"I drew Stacey. She's been in so many foster homes", Louis said.

"I got Izzy. She lives in a house with 10 other people", Zayn said.

"And, I got Jane. She has a terminal disease and is currently in the hospital", Liam said. They all looked at me.

"Who'd you get?", Harry asked.

"Megan", I said, "she's currently being incarcerated". All the boys started laughing at me.

"Do you know what incarcerated means?", Louis asked, laughing.

"Uh, I guess not".

"SHE'S IN PRISON", Zayn yelled. They all just stood there, rolled over laughing.

"Paul, you can't do this. You have to get me another girl. I can't talk to a girl that's in prison". Paul was trying to suppress his laughter.

"Sorry, Niall. There's nothing I can do. These are the girls I was given. All of you get dressed. You have to meet them in 10 minutes".

"Enjoy her", Louis said, playfully hitting me on the arm.

"I'm sure she isn't that bad", Liam said, "even if she is in jail, she's still a fan". Maybe he was right. Maybe she wasn't all that bad.

The boys all went their separate ways, and I went to the jail. "I'm here to see Megan Clark", I told the guard.

"Right this way". We went down a couple of halls, and he led to me a single room. I sat down. A door opened, and a girl in an orange jumpsuit walked through it. I couldn't believe it. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had long black hair that was pulled into a braid. Her lips were full. I was stunned. She was probably in here for something as small as stealing a pair of sunglasses.

"Hey", I said as she sat down, "I'm Niall".

"I know who you are".

"Great. Then, I guess we can skip a step. How are you?". She didn't say anything.

"What do you want to talk about?" Still nothing.

"Uh, are you just going to sit here in silence?" She stared at me.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm in here?", she said.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm in jail. Don't you want to know why I could possibly be in here? Aren't you a tiny bit curious?"

"Uh, sure?", I said, "why are you in here?"

"Armed robbbery", she responded.

"Oh", was all I said. We sat there in silence for a little bit.  

"I appreciate that", she said.

"Appreciate what?"

"The fact that you didn't ask whether or not I did it".

"I just assumed...".

"What? You assumed that I did it? You assumed that someone that looks like me robbed someplace while being armed?"

"Looks can be deceiving", I said, "but, you are in jail. So, I assumed that you did it".

"You don't believe that there are innocent people in prison?"

"I do believe that. But, to assume that you're one of them is a stretch. Most people in prison believe they're innocent. I'm not judging".

"Yes, you are, actually. You assume that someone like me probably robbed a place because she's a spoiled little Daddy's girl who wouldn't buy her a pair of sunglasses that she wanted. So, I got pissed and stole them myself. You assume that someone like me has to be in here for a reason. I can assume things too. I can assume that you're one of those spoiled band members that gets everything he wants. You get all the girls and treat them like crap. You think that you can do anything you want and get away with it because you're famous. See? I could judge you and say all of those things, but I won't. I don't know you. So, I shouldn't be making ASSUMPTIONS".

"You're suppose to be a fan to be in this program, but you don't seem to like me".

"I am a fan. Correction-was a fan. This visit is over. Bye".

She and the guard walked back out. Uh, what just happened?

First chapter was short because I wanted to get you guys interested! Hope you liked it!

Dedicated to happilyhoran- for the awesome cover!

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