I know that you know

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Ciara's POV:

This week's been very odd and suspicious. Jacob keeps disappearing in the middle of the night doing who knows what. It's really starting to worry me and agitate me. I'm hopping he's not doing what I won't think he's doing. I keep telling myself not to believe it, but everyone he comes back, he gets into my bed and hugs my waist real tight. It makes me think that he's guilty for whatever he's doing.

You can tell whatever he's doing is taking a toll on him too, poor Jacob has bags under his eyes.

Oh god please tell me he's not cheating. You don't even know how devastating I'll be, I'd give up on love for sure. I've been heart broken so much that it's seriously ridiculous. I love Jacob and I think he'd be the one for me. I need to know where he runs off to at night.


It's 1:15 a.m. and Jacob hasn't left the bed yet. I think he's oversleeping because he usually leaves at 1:30. Maybe he's staying tonight; sometimes he stays the whole night. He looks like he's on a deep sleep too, I really hope he stays.

All of a sudden, his phone started vibrating. He shot up from the bed and looked down at his phone then silently cursed himself.

Jacob: Trevor, I'm so sorry I overslept. I'll be there in ten minutes I promise...bye.

He looked back at me and I pretended to sleep. Then he hurriedly got dressed and got his things. Next thing I know, he's out the door. I hurriedly put on my sweatpants and scurried out the door to catch him. I made it out the parking lot just in time to catch up to his car and trail behind him. I noticed the direction I was going is vaguely familiar. When we got there I mentally slapped myself in the face.

So that's where he's going! Of course he never actually quit his little job at that club. But why wouldn't he tell me, I'd understand. Just as long as he wasn't doing anything sexual that consists of two people that isn't me then I'll be okay with it. I know what he has to do for money, and he works hard for it. I decided that I'd wait in my car for him.

2 hours and 35 minutes passed, and I'm still waiting for him. Like damn, his show is only 45 minutes long! I was about to call him until I saw him walk out with some chick running behind him.

Chick: Bye Jacob.

Jacob: Bye Angela.

I saw him roll his eyes at her and I snickered. Yeah he better be rolling his eyes at this Angela chick, thirsty ass. As soon as she left, I opened my door and strutted over to him.

His eyes widened and he rubbed his hand down his face.

Jacob: Look Ciara, I can expla-

Ciara: Why didn't you tell me you were leaving to do your job Jacob.

Jacob: Ciara please don't be mad.

Ciara: I'm not mad at you. I understand that you have a job to do and money to make. I'd just wish you would've told me so I don't think you were doing something else.

He hung his head and I brought it back up. Tears were forming.

Ciara: Baby why are you crying?

Jacob: I'm so stressed out, there's so much going on.

Ciara: Its going to be okay. Let's go home and get some rest. You look too tired.

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