Chapter 1

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Howling wind lapped at Roy's rickety wooden house as a storm approached from the cold night sky. Winter was hitting hard this year, with temperatures being the lowest in years. This made Roy search through his small, dusty smelling, closet to find his military styled winter coat. Throwing it over his shoulders and stuffing his arms into the sleeves, Roy was now prepared for the elements that awaited him. Closing the closet door, his furry companion sat patiently staring at his master. He knew what time it was.

'Are you ready for your walk Mani?' Roy asked in his husky voice.

An excited, tail wagging Mani, signalled that the golden-brown German Sheppard was indeed ready and waiting. Walking over to his fiancé's dressing table, Roy stole a hair tie and slicked his long black hair back, tieing it into a ponytail. As he was doing this Scarlet, Roy's fiancé, entered their small bedroom and stared at him with disappointed eyes. Leaning against the door, she placed her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow. Roy looked her up and down, as she was in her red silk nightie, showing off her freshly shaved legs, from the bath she had just spent hours in. Flicking her wet, messy blond hair out of her face, Scarlet's blue eyes pierced into Roy's soul as she asked, 'Are you going to return that hair tie when you get back. You always lose them and I never have any?'
Roy walked over to his fiancé and kissed her passionately.

'Nah', he teased.

Smacking her bum lightly, Scarlet moved into the room and got into bed, whilst Roy whistled Mani to follow. Looking behind him, at his gorgeous fiancé, he gave her a wink and left the bedroom. With Mani trotting behind his master, they both went down the thin hallway and out into the small living room. Walking past the couch, Roy grabbed the leash and harness from a small corner table, right next to the door, where keys and other miscellaneous items lived.

'Sit!' Roy commanded.

Sitting, Mani lifted himself onto his hind legs, and stretched his front paws in the air, as his master held out the harness. Slipping his arms through the material hoops, the lead was connected to the steel hooks on the back of the harness and out the door they went. Stepping outside, the icy wind stung his tired eyes, but did not phase Mani one bit. Racing down the small driveway, Mani initiated his territory marking, sniffing out all intruders and remarking the same plant, letterbox or patch of grass. Halting his pheromone crazed canine, Roy dug into his jacket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. Lighting one, he stuffed the pack back inside his coat and locked eyes with his pride and joy - his convertible mustang. He loved that car more than anything else at times. Daydreaming about his car, a sharp tug came from an unimpressed Mani. He couldn't wait this long before smelling out his next marking point, so the walk continued. Sounds of the trees swaying in the strong wind along with the rhythmic stomp of Roy's boots slowly sent the cold man into a tired state. Closing his eyes, his nostrils flared sucking in as much of the sweet fresh, pre-storm, air as he could. With Mani as his guide he hadn't realised the concrete under his foot turned to soft squishy grass. Opening his eyes to the dark world, Roy found himself up a neighbour's driveway as Mani hunted a local cat. Yanking the lead, Roy gave a sharp grunt forcing Mani to retreat to the footpath. Glancing up at the sky, the storm was minutes away from hitting. Roy could tell as a small patch of stars remained unhidden from the black abyss soon to consume it. For some reason, a wave of tranquillity washed over him as he watched the stars. He felt pure peace, soon broken by a gust of cold wind which forced its way into Roy's coat and down his spine making him shiver.

The duo continued walking for a few good minutes, occasionally turning to a sprint to wear out the energetic dog until they reach an intersection, which was the waypoint to turn around and continue the journey home on the opposite side of the road. A loud crack pierced the sky along with a flash of light, making Mani cower from the thunder and whine. Within an instant rain poured from the sky and drenched the two.

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