Chapter 2

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Slowly coming to consciousness, faint voices echoed around the living room, but it wasn't just one it was multiple. The presence of many people, tingled Roy's senses, before his eyelids even lifted. Stretching his legs, Roy tried to spread his arms above his head, but they were bound. Jolting his eyes open, he stared in shock as handcuffs imprisoned his hands. At the front door, Tracy and a police officer stopped talking and stared back at Roy. Tracy's eyes filled with sorrow, but Roy had no idea what was going on. Beginning to panic, he tried pulling his hands apart, which caused the steel handcuffs to dig into his flesh, sending pain shooting up his arms. Another officer, who he didn't notice, grabbed Roy's shoulder in an effort to calm and restrain him.

'Calm down, Mr Withers', calmly stated the police officer.

'Why are you doing this to me?!', yelled Roy.

The police officer, by the front door, walked over and stood above Roy. Raising a finger, he pointed it at him and sternly said, 'Control yourself or you'll be tased'.

Turning to the other officer, the man who was clearly senior, disguised by his black glasses, ordered him to take Roy to his vehicle. Grabbing Roy's arm, he was hoisted to his feet and escorted out of the house. Walking past Tracy, Roy looked at her in the eyes, and she mimed the words I'm sorry. Once again, for the uncountable time, Roy was left confused and hurt.

Outside a beautiful, sunny day greeted the depressed man. Singing birds floated overhead, flying towards the road, where three other officers, stationed by their police cars, talked amongst themselves and of what Roy overheard, to be about himself. Silence, as the escorted prisoner got closer to the vehicle. A sharp tug came from the officer, with his hand hooked under Roy's arm, moving him aside so he could open the door. Easing Roy inside, he sat on the seat with his legs on the footpath. Many passer-by's had gathered, to witness the commotion that had engulfed the street, this early sunny morning. Alienated, Roy was greeted by a woman officer, who took over the position of guarding him. She held a pen and notepad, ready for an interrogation. Roy contemplated how much he should comply, since no one was being honest or helpful towards him.

'So, your name is Roy Withers, correct?', she started in a professional tone.

'Yes', Roy grunted unimpressed.

'And how did you end up at Ms Tracy Lee's house last night?'.

Continuing to stare at the grey pavement he answered, 'I have no idea'.

'You are engaged to Scarlet Pinkerton, correct?', continued the officer.


'And you still don't remember what happened last night?'.

'I told you already, no!'.

'Do you know what year it is?'.


'Ok, thank you. Legs inside, please.'

Throwing his legs inside the police car, the door was gently closed, but not entirely. Past the sound of the faint radio noise Roy could hear the three officers talking, but to quiet to understand. Unable to make out anything he slumped his head and thought about everything that had happened and how he ended up here. What had Tracy told them and why had she said they will work it out tomorrow but then phoned the police? He wished he could ask her but as of right now he was stuck.

Several long minutes passed and the need for answers grew stronger. Looking up, from his depressed slump, he noticed that two of the officers had begun walking inside Tracy's house and one was chatting to a member of the public. Pushing his leg against the door in opened up slightly. Adrenaline rushed through Roy's veins as an escape attempt ran across his mind. If he wanted to escape he was going to have to act fast and now. Squirming around, careful not to rock the car too much and bring attention to himself, Roy tried to pull his tied hands down his back, so he could curl his feet backwards through them, allowing his hands to be in front of him. He pushed and squeezed, stretching his muscles to the max and right before his wrist bones were about to snap, one sharp jolt set his wrists free. Popping over his knees Roy chuckled as his hands were in front of him. Grabbing the door, he gently pushed it open. Scanning the area, like a bird looking for its next meal, Roy didn't see anyone that might notice him. Most of the crowd had been moved along and the only officer guarding him, was still talking to the pedestrian. Stepping outside, Roy's heart pounded out of his chest. He didn't know what he was doing or what would happen to him if he was caught, but he knew he had to run. Staying in a crouched position, Roy tiptoed behind the police car and scanned the area for his next move. No one had seen or heard him yet, this was a good sign. Down the road was another house, with a very high fence. Roy knew that if he hopped over it and snuck through a garden or two, on the other side was another main road. That main road then led to a small forest, on the outskirts of town. Finalising his plan, he was about to leave cover when a police officer walked out the front door and started heading towards the car. Ducking and moving to the roadside of the car, Roy found himself in a hairy situation. A man with handcuffs ducking behind a police car screams something isn't right. Watching the police officer through the back window of the car, the man stopped dead.

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