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Darks POV after we had that fun anti asked if we wanted to go to a party we both said yes then anti said dark Amy will be there so yeah ( yes I added her in Deal)

Anti POV me dark and Y/N are going to fates party then I saw her.......dark Amy......  "hi anti where's darkiplier" she asked "I-i Don't Know" " yes you do anti Now TELL ME" she yelled in my head "with his girlfriend"

Dark Amy's POV so MY darky has another girlfriend
"Hello dark" I asked then I saw her his girlfriend she saw me and dark talking then I kissed him I backed away I saw her crying  dark rushed over but she just ran away dark cake closer to me " WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" his voice boomed " I just wanted my dark back is that a crime"

Y/N POV now that I know that dark dose not care about me I just ran to my other friends home but I left dark there with her I felt sad but I'm not good enough for him so I just rd keeped running then I came to the door then knocked *knock knock knock knock* then the door opens she grabbed me inside then I told her what was up

Darks POV I went looking for Y/N but I could not fined her I knew I should have branded her (when I say brand like that that means like I track thing ok ok good) I got so mad I punch a tree I did not feel pain because I was 1 Worried 2 Sad 3 mad 4 lonely I started to cry then fate saw me then Y/N was next to me " thanks fate" I said "no problem anytime" "hey Y/N" hmm she said in response " do you hate me" "no" then dark Amy came out with a.... kife o no

A/N I'm a but head anti I see what I did there ha I'm bad at doing those so im out byeeeeee

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