chapter 12 - I'm not sure

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Ross: will you be my girlfriend?

Laura: I-I'm not sure.

Ross: what why not?!!?

Laura: ok 1st clam down and 2nd I've heard that you bang every girl that comes your way.

Ross: well I wouldn't have done that if you didn't break up with me and leave me.

Laura: well im sorry that I left, I at least had a good reason to leave.

Ross: which was?

Laura: *sighs* I'm a--- *Elena interrupts them by coming in*

Elena: we have to go Laura, Damon wants us home, he wants to tell all of us something.

Laura: ok, bye Ross.

Ross: *angrily* yeah sure

Laura: Ross please just--

Ross: Leave!!! *Laura closes his door*


Elena: your welcome I got you out of there before he got even more angry.

Laura: yeah thank you.

Riker: hey we like your doppelganger she pretty cool like you.

Laura: thanks *smiles*

Caroline: well we better get going.

Laura: yeahh, bye guys

Lynches and Ratliff: bye

--with the Salvatore's, the other boys and the girls--

A/S: the guys where playing football in the back yard and the girls are watching the notebook... when the "It Girls" came in.

Laura: ugh

Vanessa: well what happen over there

Laura: *explains everything*

Vanessa: wow, how do you feel about him?

Laura: obviously I still... I still... Love him.

Vanessa: then why did you say no.

Laura: I don't know, I'm just scared to get hurt.

Vanessa: I say you should give him another chance.

Laura: you know what I will, I'm just gonna get ready and I will go over there.

Vanessa: ok, you go girl.

A/S: Laura changes into a cute blowes and a skirt is short. She puts on red lipstick and her hair is down and curled that her red tips show. She finishes in an hour and heads to the lynches. She knocks on the lynches door to see Rydel.

Rydel: uh hey Laura what are you doing here?

Laura : im here to see Ross.

Rydel: well he is a little busy with something.

Laura: what is he busy with

Rydel: I can't say but why don't we go shopping for a while then come back when he is done being busy.

A/S: they went shopping for lots and lots of clothes and shoes 2 hours later they were done and headed back to the lynches.

Laura: well that was exhausting, But amazing

Rydel: yeah

*they enter the lynches house when Laura sees something she wish she never saw she saw Ross making out with a girl on the couch, she felt tears coming but she held it in and left*

Ross: *stops making out with the girl* who was that?

Rydel: it was Laura she was going to give you another chance but since she saw you with her, and I guess that chance may never happen. bye *leaves*

Ross: oh man what did I do?!!? I got to go bye

*goes across the street and leaves that girl*

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