chapter 19-whoa Really?!!!?

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-----At the Lynch's-----

*Rydel wakes up, it was 10:00 a.m and she goes downstairs to get breakfast*

Rydel: heyy people

Everyone except Rydel: Hey!

*they all eat and chat but ross was quite because he was trying to figure out what is going on between Jake and Laura but he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Rydel say...*

Rydel: so guys I'm gonna have all the girls from across the street over, so that we can get to know each other better. *that gave Ross an idea* (they all were done eating, so Rydel was getting ready for when Caroline comes over and so was Ross)

-----1 hour later-----

*the door bell rings and Rydel answers it*

Rydel: Heyy Girls!!!!

It Girls: Hey!!!!

Rydel: come in.

*they were chatting alot but they didn't know that Ross was over hearing there conversation, Ross was bored of there conversation but then was interested when they started to talk about boys*

Rydel: Lets talk about boys, now. Is that okay with you Laura?

Laura: sure why wouldn't it be?

Rydel: because of you and ross

Laura: no I'm fine, I was hurt at first but I am fine now, I'm single and ready to mingle.

*Ross was hurt about what he heard*

Rydel: what do you mean by that?

Laura: I kinda, sorta of, like a guy?

Rydel: OMG!!!! Who is it? Describe him.

Laura: well he is niceñ sweet, passionate, and he lives with us.

Elena, Bonnie, and Ally: JAKE!!!

Laura: uh yeah

Rydel: wait hold, who is Jake?

Laura: he is a newbie. *starts to explain everything from when they met till when she started to have feelings for him. Ross heard the whole thing and was really hurt then he had an idea, he went to his room and called someone*

Ross: hey can you come over?

????: what about Laura?

Ross: we broke up.

????: oh so since you guys broke up you decided to call me because I'm your second choice.

Ross: No, we broke up because I wanted to be with you, you were the only one I wanted *is lying*

????: then why did you chose her first

Ross: Maia, I picked her cause I felt sorry for her

Maia: oh, well in that case I forgive you. *is lying*

Ross: so would you come over so I can kiss you.

Maia: *laughs* ok I'll be right over.

Ross: ok see you soon bye *hangs up*

Ross: All part of my plan to get Laura back. (he says to himself)

*10 minutes later he hears a doorbell and runs to get the door passing the girls they were curious on why he was running. He opens the door to reveal...*

Ross: heyy Ma-- *gets cut off by Maia kissing him, he kisses back then brings her inside so Laura can see them, and Laura sees them but she realizes what he is trying to do. Two can play it that game Laura thinks to herself. They finally pull away and look at each other for a moment*

Rydel: uh, what is she doing here?

Ross: I invited her so we can hang out with each other.

Rydel: ok but why here couldn't you go somewhere else? Ross: what's your problem?!!?

Laura: your sister was just asking don't need to go all 3rd degree on her.

Ross: why don't you stay out of this!!!

Laura: excuse me!!!

Ross: you heard me!!!

Laura: that's it *Vampire speeds to him and drops him they start to fight and ends up with Laura snapping his neck, all the girls except Maia start to cheer Laura on*

Maia: how could you cheer her on she just killed your brother?!!!?

Rydel: oh sweety he is coming back to life well sort of, anyways time to compel you *looks her straight in the eye* forget the fight Laura and Ross just had, and leave. *Maia does as she's told and leaves*

Rydel: well that was a close one and I'm so proud of you Laura

Laura: why thank you

*Ross starts to wake up*

Ross: *groans* what happen???

Laura: I kicked your butt, well we got to go but see you later Delly. *the it girls leave with bonnie*

Rydel: *starts to laugh so hard* you got your ass kicked by a girl *continues to laugh* (the boys come in)

Riker: why is Rydel laughing

Rydel: because Ross got his ass kicked by a girl *the boys start to laugh with Rydel*

Ross: HA HA very funny (sarcastically). Well I will get Laura back for snapping my neck.

Ryland and Ratliff: you got your ass kicked by Laura!!!!

*they all start to laugh even harder*

Ross: I'm going to my room. *leaves to his Room*

-----at the other house----

*they all were laughing*

Damon: Really you kicked his ass.

Laura: yup, you taught me well.

Damon: I did didn't I.

*they all finally calm down*

Jake: Can I talk to you Laura, alone?

Laura: uh sure.

*they are at the stair ways of the basement and they stop before going down there*

Laura: why are we stopping?

Jake: cause there is a surprise for you down there, but you need to wear this. *gives her blindfolds and she puts them on. Jake leads her the way and they finally get to the basement*

Jake: you can take off the blindfolds. *Laura takes it off to reveal candles everywhere and rose petals every where*

Jake: do you like it

Laura: No...I love it.

Jake: I have something to ask you?

Laura: what is it? *they look into each others eyes*

Jake: Ever since I met you I felt a connection with you, and I think you have feel that too. You are beautiful, you make me smile with your adorable quirkiness and your an amazing girl. So what I'm asking is will you be my girlfriend?

Laura: yes!!! *they kiss

*the rest were watching them the while time, the girls said awww, the guys were all like finally*

(they all went to watch a movie and fell asleep on the couch)

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