Luring Them in With Curiousity

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Make them curious!

I would advise (depending on what your book is about or the genre):

*Giving your readers a little clip of the dialogue from an interesting part of the book.*

Make sure that the clip doesn't give too much away but at the same time, give the read a little 'push' towards the book. I would put the dialogue clip above the summary, then add the summary in. A little thing i like when I'm reading a book is once i read something that makes me think back to the summary dialogue clip, it makes me go... "omg.... OMG... OH MY GOD, WHAT! I GET IT NOWWW! AHHHH!"
And then i stay up all night reading it. It seriously personalizes it for your readers to do that.

*REMINDER: now not everyone is going to find your book interesting! Seriously! I found many books that had over a million reads not interesting AT ALL*

*Don't start off with a cliche beginning! Especially if you aren't great at writing, it only gives off an awkward and unprofessional vibe*

I would definitely start scratching your ideas for your book first. I would start in the middle of the book or the end if you cant seem to find a good starting scene for your book.

Make the beginning scene rememberable or symbolic, just NOT CLICHE! Pleasseeeee! Unless your reader is incredibly BORED then they most likely will not read past the first two pages.

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