Chapter 5

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Emily was currently sat on the plane with her headphones in, she was trying to drown out the noise from the other passengers but mainly she was trying to drown out her thoughts. She wondered if she had made the right decision in leaving Rosewood once more. It wasn't like she had a choice, her job demanded she be ready to leave at any given moment however she hadn't yet received her next orders.

Hanna was used to her skipping out without saying a word. It had happened on too many different occasions where she had managed to have a full on conversation with Emily before realising that the brunette was no longer there and neither were her belongings. Hanna had noticed earlier in the day that all of Emilys things were packed and ready to be collected with only a moments notice yet she had wanted to believe her best friend wouldn't leave this time.

If anything could have kept Emily in town it was Alison but even she had failed. They had managed to talk slightly once the dinner was over. Pam had left for work, having picked up the nights shifts that week and everybody else had gone to their respective homes. The talk could have definitely gone better though, it had ended with Alison storming out once more and the brunette walking to Hanna's with her tail between her legs before silently entering the house and picking up her belongings. She had been on the plane only a couple of hours later and no one yet knew that she had gone.

Emily decided that it was best if she just stayed away from Alison from now on, she was just hurting the blonde by being around her. The last words she had heard out of Alison's mouth were on repeat in her head. "If you cared you wouldn't have left me." But it was because of how much she cared that she had left. She was trying like usual to protect her.

Alison on the other hand had immediately regretted having argued with Emily once more and decided she was going to apologise to her face to face. It wasn't right to leave things as they were, she had said things she hadn't meant and needed to clear the air. Even though it was getting late she hopped into her car, having picked it up from her house earlier with the help of Pam and headed over to Hanna and Caleb's house.

Alison was nervous as she walked up to the house she didn't have enough energy left in her to have another argument with the brunette and would have to try and contain her thoughts depending on how their conversation went. She shivered slightly partly due to not wearing a jacket, and partly from the slight walk she had to make having parked on the side of the road due to Caleb and Hanna's car taking up the driveway. knocked on the door a couple of times and waited patiently for someone to answer, it was Hanna who opened the door to her and the other blonde was slightly surprised to see her.

"Alison? What are you doing here?" Hanna asked as she looked beyond the blonde as if trying to see someone else.

Alison looked over her shoulder thinking someone was stood behind her but when she saw nobody she turned her attention back onto Hanna and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Is Emily not with you?" Hanna questioned and Alison was completely taken aback.

"Why would she be with me? She left Pam's a couple of hours ago" Alison stated in confusion.

"She never came back here... oh shit." Hanna had barely finished speaking before she turned on her heels and ran up the stairs, Alison followed closely behind as she realised something wasn't quite right.

They both entered the room Emily had been staying in and it looked completely untouched, as if no one had been in it for weeks or months. There was no sign of Emily having been there and Hanna knew exactly what had happened.

"Your talk with her didn't go well did it?" She asked as she turned back to face Alison, a glum look appearing as she connected it all together.

"No, that's why I'm here. I wanted to apologise." Alison slightly snapped, not knowing why Hanna was asking.

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