Chapter 8

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Alison sat alone on the hotel bed with her knees tucked under her chin and her arms wrapped tightly around her legs. She had been in that same position for the last hour, unable to move and not sure what she would do even if she could move. Emily had left after their conversation about Mona and Alison was wondering how long it would be until she returned. A lone tear rolled down her cheek and she didn't even attempt to wipe it away, too lost in her own mind.

She had wanted their time in Paris to just be about them, no one else and definitely not A. But she was being naive, the whole reason Emily had come to Paris was to look for answers and Alison should not have been surprised that Emily had tracked someone down who could help her. What was slightly surprising was the fact that Emily had asked Mona for help.

The door to the hotel room opened breaking Alison out of her thoughts and she looked up from where she sat to see Emily shuffle inside, juggling in her hands a bag which appeared to contain some sort of food, two drinks in a drink holder and the hotel door key whilst trying to shut the door behind her. Alison started to rise from the bed in an attempt to help but Emily stopped her, telling her she could handle it but even as she spoke she almost spilt the drinks and swore quietly under her breath.

The brunette finally closed the door and kicked off her shoes before making her way over to the bed and passing Alison the bag whilst placing the drinks on one of the bedside tables. The blonde had a small smile on her face as she opened up the bag to look at the contents inside and was happily surprised by the croissants she found. Her stomach rumbled at the same time and Emily let out a soft laugh.

"Good job I came back when I did" Emily said with a smile.

Alison just nodded, still not one hundred percent back to her usual self. Everything was weighing down on her and seeing Mona earlier that morning only reminded her that she was next on A's list. It had taken all they had as a group to fight A the first time but now it seemed this A was determined to separate them and had almost managed to do so. However they were back working as one again, well apart from Emily but it shouldn't take too much to persuade her to rejoin forces with them all.

"Em, about earlier..." Alison started but was abruptly cut off.

"Alison don't." There was a finality in Emilys voice that Alison hadn't heard before and she decided for once to back down.

Alison nodded towards the brunette and instead pulled out a croissant and took a bite as she passed the bag to Emily. Emily looked regretful for the way she had spoken to Alison but decided to leave it as it was for now. After arguing with Mona at the start of the morning and then having a rather heated conversation straight after with Alison the last thing she wanted was to spend the last part arguing once more with Alison.

They sat in relative silence enjoying their breakfast, Alison was crossed legged on the bed whilst Emily took more of a relaxed stance as she led down on one side, leaning on one arm to keep herself upright. Alison had asked Emily to pass her a drink when she was halfway through her food but other than that had kept quiet. Emily had mentioned that the weather was nice outside but trailed off when she realised the blonde beside her had zoned out and wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to what she was saying.

Emily decided to switch tactic to gain Alison's attention, she didn't want the rest of their stay to be overshadowed by A and so she decided to try and bring Alison back around. Running her hand lightly across the skin on Alison's leg she witnessed the goosebumps rise quickly and it brought a smile to her face. Alison however was still zoned out and so Emily moved her fingers further up the blondes leg, in doing so she had unintentionally shifted her own body closer.

With the attention she was giving Alison still going unnoticed Emily slowly raised herself up and basically climbed up the blonde until they were face to face.

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