Our Story

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Nicholas sparks once said, "Love is like the wind... you can't see it but you can feel it." Indeed, love comes and goes, but when you find that one special love you will indeed feel it through your body and soul.

I had that kind of love. The kind that filled me with pure happiness, made my worries disappear, and had me bubbly and happy for no reason.

The kind that every girl dreams.

The fairy tale kind, but for me it came true.

Our love story began on an unexpected field trip, but we were happy to skip school for the day. Somehow, at the end of the trip, the two of us ended becoming close to each other. We never really talked to each other before this trip but in 8-hour time we grew closer together than we imagined.

The sad part was that after the trip we barely ever crossed each other parts. It was as if the incident had never happened and it was only a dream that lingered in my life. But one day, we ran into each other as we were going to class and it was like the whole world stopped. We just stood there looking at each other, the closeness was unbearable. He had his hands wrapped around my waist while I gripped my backpack nervously.

Nothing happened, but I waited.

I wanted it.

He knew it.

I knew it.

But we just stared lost in space until the bell rang, and we jumped apart and stumbled back to each other's class.

I was disappointed... very disappointed.

That afternoon we started texting each other. We never once brought up the question that was left unanswered: Were you going to kiss me?

We lost touch with each other with my busy schedule, but we didn't quite loose touch at the same time. We always kept each other in contact, but our connection that we once had seemed lost somewhere in the galaxy.

The summer of 2017, my busiest year of all time.

We got in touch with each other again and this time something was different... very different.

My dreams came true.

I remember it so clearly.

It was June 20 at 12:20 a.m.

Exactly when he poured his feelings out to me. He made my heart melt, made me cry, made me happy all at the same time. I was a mess, but I said yes to him and we started going out.

We had a problem though.

We were a secret.

That became a problem.

Even though he made me happy.

Happier than I ever been in my life.

He was the first who showed me what love, happiness, and what it TRULY meant to be in love. As sad as it was to see our relationship end, I'm happy that we had a chance.

The only regret or rather a wish I have till now is that I never kissed him once.

Maybe it will come true.

One day.

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