After Happily Ever After

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Once Upon a time there was a girl who was put into a deep sleep for a hundred years. She was sleeping in a glass case in the middle of the forest. Her name, was non other then Sleeping Beauty. She was one day awaken by a prince-

Wait! Isn't this supposed to be about what happened after she was awoken? I guess we should get there then.

She wakes up blah blah... she and the prince fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after together, right? Wrong! That's where the child's story ends, this is where the REAL story begins!
Hidden secretes, the truth of what happened after, and how some things may have been different then how they first appeared.
Let's find out what really happened after the story ended...

What Happened After Happily Ever After: Sleeping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now