Chapter 2

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It's about 4 months after Snow White is born, and she already has black hair and the most beautiful carmel Brown eyes. She sleeps in a crib next to Sleeping Beauty and the King's bed in the master suite of the castle.

It's not snowy outside anymore but there is a crisp breeze, you can hear the birds chirping, and you can see the ducks and swans swimming in the glistening, sparkling, waters of the lake.
"Wait?! Is-is that Maleficent?!?!" I said. She comes closer and puts a spell on me, I can't help but go to over to the spinning wheel. I decide to touch it and I prick myself on one of the needles on it and all of the sudden I feel all sleepy and the world is circling around me just like birds circle the nearby area for things they can put in their nest, then I see nothing, just pitch black. Then I wake up.
"Thank goodness that was a dream!" I said panicked and slightly sweaty from the suspenseful nightmare. By then Snow White is awake and wanting food, so I feed her then go downstairs for breakfast. "Oh why thank you Riley, pancakes are my favorite!" I said as I smiled and sat down at the table to start eating. Riley is mine and the King's Maid.
"Why of course my Queen." Riley said. "How was your sleep, my Queen?"
"Not the best, but Snow didn't wake up in the middle of the night so I guess that's good, thank's for asking." I said not wanting to mention my nightmare.
"Of course, do you want apple juice or orange today? Rikey asked.
"Orange please, thank you Riley." I said and then ate.

After I did some work and played with Snow for a little while, I decided to take Snow for a walk and ask Riley to go with me.
"Riley, would you want to go with Snow and I on a walk?" I asked.
"Well of course my Queen, I'll get the baby carriage ready immediately." Riley said then went to go get Snow White's baby carriage.

We were now on the walk and it was beautiful. The birds were singing and the trees were dancing in the fresh and crisp breeze. While we were walking we saw an owl cooing in the tree, a baby deer eating some berries off a bush, and some fish jumping in the sparkling pond.
Later we decided to head back to the castle, as it was getting a little dark and we felt a storm coming in. We got back just in time too, because it had just started to pour with rain and thunder. Around this time Snow was getting very tired, so I took her up to her crib and put her to sleep.
As I went back downstairs I heard a loud knock on our big castle doors. Before I could get downstairs, Riley had opened the door. It was an old lady, with white scraggly medium length hair, a black dress, and a black cloak.
"Hello, I'm so so sorry to bother you but I am a long way from home and I'm very cold and wet out here in this storm, and I was just hoping I could come in just to warm up, have a cup of tea, and wait for the storm to pass, would that be okay? She said in her old achy voice, almost as if she was losing her voice. Riley started to turn her away but I quickly came over and invited her in to sit and drink some tea. I felt bad for her, all alone, cold, and wet.
"Your tea is ready, my Queen." Riley said then put our teacups and saucers down on the table.
"Actually," Said the old woman. "Can we sit on the balcony? The view of the lake is so beautiful, even during a storm."
"Sure." I said. "Riley, would you be so kind as to take our teas outside please?" I asked.
"Of course, my Queen." She said as she brought them outside to the balcony and we followed and sat down.
"Thank you, Riley." I said
"Of course, your Majesty. Riley said, then went back inside to do the dishes.

"I'm very sorry to  disturb you, Queen Beauty." The old lady said, sitting slowly in the chair across from me. Something was oddly familiar about her, but i couldn't put my finger on it.

"You are no bother at all, dear. What is your name?" I asked, smiling. Everything inside me said i knew her, but I feel like I don't at the same time.

"Mal-," she stopped, like she was thinking. "My name is Mali*." She said, Coughing lightly. What was she gonna say first?

"What a nice name." I said, still wondering what she was gonna say. Mal, Mal... then I froze, thinking about my dream. But, it couldn't be... she was supposed to be dead. 100+ years was too long for her to live, even for her. Unless she found a way to make herself young.

She was looking at me with a smile, not a nice smile, a trouble makers smile. The same smile I saw on Maleficent's face. I got up, but her hand grabbed my sleeve.
"Where are you going my dear? Don't you want to finish our tea?" She asked, an evil grin spread across her face. She is suddenly surrounded by a cloud of green, then when it clears, I see, once again, Maleficent.
She draggs me to the edge, holding me in place.
"Goodbye, my dear." Then she sends me over the edge.
I scream as my hair flys up, I see her face peering down at me before she is surrounded by green and disappears. Hitting the water, I watch  everything become blurry as I sink, sink deep into the water.

*Mali (Mall-EE)

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