Chapter One

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I looked in the mirror.It was a bright Monday morning,and it was still school.I looked in the mirror and saw myself.I was in the stage where I cared.I always cared.I could see that boy throwing me towards a wall in the hallway.Then I saw the same,smiling face.For some reason I cheered me up.My smiling face told me that I knew myself.But did I really?I hopped in the car as my mom,a teacher,drove me to school.We both got out and walked in.I did have a little fear from friends,as they knew her.And knew any moment I snapped my fingers,their lockers could be empty.But for some reason,I let bullies pick on me.I knew I was weak.But that one punch on friday afternoon.I snapped on the poor old boy.He was a sarcastic young man.I did what he told me to when he was mean:I punched him.But too hard.And I had a pencile in my hand.It didn't hurt him at all.But he was known as a snitch,as was I.And I sat in homeroom,watching our news channel.I was an all a's and b's student,so my parents didn't get as mad.But when the assistant princaple walked in and told me to bring my stuff,I knew what was happening.Jordan and Noah were behind her too.And I knew it wasn't good.Tears trembled in my eyes.I thought this would ruin my reputation."Do I look like one of your kind?" I asked Noah.He shook his head.He had went in the office first.And I could see fear in his eyes as well.My mom's worker came by and tried to make me feel better.But that student was going in the other office.So I knew I was over.I walked in the office,tears on my face.I sat there and heard her say,"Send Sid in."Sid was a troubled frienemy of mine.When she said his name,I even cried harder.I walked outside,crying."Well guys...Im going in." We walked into the ISS room.And that is what I thought formed my life.But it didnt.

I was dating a troubled physco,which dropped me in deeper doom.I was trying to make my life better.And that didn't work.I was in our play,which I went to practice alot.I played a minor roll,but our part had 5 lines,but we said them as a group.So she came in,being tech crew,and sat by me and Jacob.He nodded his head.She got up and walked to her friends."Dude,If your gonna do it,do it now!"Said Jacob.I looked at him,"Jacob,She will-" "Dude,you did it last time." "And see where I went?" "Dude just do it." He said.I nodded."Okay." I said.I ran back and quickly dumped her.I ran back and said,"Its done!" We high-fived right before I heard deep breaths.I turned around and nearly leaped into his lap.'You!"And that went perfectly well.

I was a nerd,of course.And the athletes gave me a hard time.Outside while walking,Landen knocked me down.I got up to punch him,but his assistant threw me down.I lay there for a second,trying to figure out what I did wrong.But I did nothing.And that was my exact mistake.

Okay,so this timeline is a little jumbled up.Lets start back up in elementary.P.S:This was just a short look at my Middle School life.More will come back.

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