Chapter Two

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School,8:00 AM,6th Grade,Hallway,2nd Semester,2014,Sometime in March or April...

"Yea,his real name is David John McDondald." I said to Malikai."But David Tennant is cooler!" Said Malikai."I agree." I said,"But that is his real name." Malikai slipped into line for his class.I got into mine and saw his face staring at me.That ugly glare.Jonah pushed me."Get outta here!" He said.I pushed him back."Oh you gonna do something?" He asked.He smirked and backed me up to a locker.I pushed him back and walked to my locker."Hey Coy." I said."Shut up." Coy walked away.Sadie ran to me."HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI!" She screamed.This,was my girlfriend.Hayden walked up to me,"Hey dud-" Sadie cut him off.I got my stuff and walked to the line.Jonah turned around and said,"Go away!" I wanted to stab him,but I didnt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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