Just in time

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AN: Last chapter :p Hope you like it. If not I'll do an extra epilogue chapter.

Regina raced forward, Knightingale was as fast as she could go. She could see her destination in the distance. She headed straight for it.

Emma was getting restless now it was almost time to finalize everything the Vicar speech was approaching the I do's. Emma's mind was racing uncertain if she wanted to make a bolt for it.

Emma had given up all hope and it was her about to give up and to agree to marry Vicar began.

"Do you Emma Swan take thee Killian..."

Just as he was about to say Hook's real name. The doors to the church flew open. A shocked gasp came from the congregation. Emma turned around, the afternoon sun blinded her for a second. In amongst the beams, she saw a large creature and a figure sat on top. Emma knew instantly who it was. There was only one person confident enough in this town to crash a wedding on a horse.

"Sorry I'm late I didn't wake up I went to sleep late," Regina's said her voice loud and Queen like. Emma was startled to see her on a horse.

It looked calm and like it didn't mind Regina riding it's back.

Regina couldn't believe she had gotten there in time. When she explained why she was late, she could see Henry at the front sniggering to himself.

"I know what this looks like and no, I'm not here to threaten Emma and Hook. Just let me get off the horse" Regina said she jumped down gracefully.

Emma couldn't help but smile at Regina's horse. Hook, however, was not impressed.

" Can we just get on with it?" He asked a little annoyed at Regina for interrupting.

" No you can't Hook," Regina said confidently strolling towards Hook and Emma.

"Why not, we are supposed to be getting married Regina," Hook said his sour tone startling Emma.

" Not if I have anything to do with it," Regina said standing in front of him now. Her stance strong and she looked calmer than Emma had ever seen her before.

" I've spent the last few days realizing why I never got my happy ending, I was looking in the wrong places. I'd been so focused on Robin and trying to prove I could have a happy ending that in completely ignored my actual feelings.I couldn't be with Robin because it's been you all along" Regina said looking directly into Emma's eyes. There were the same over expressive eyes their son had. She could see Emma felt the same. Emma was completely ignoring Hook now and was starring back at Regina. Tears threating to fall in relief and pride.

" I had almost given up until I found Knightingale and it reminded me that I had something to fight for, myself," Regina said. " I'm sick of letting everyone take away my happy endings this time I'm fighting for what's right," Regina said.

She began to walk towards Emma slowly.

" Ever since I was a child I'd been looking for someone who understood me, who wanted me to be the best person I could be. I never found anyone in my time as Queen. I stopped looking after a while, I completely ignored the signs, Emma, I'm so sorry" Regina said fighting back her tears.

" I finally found that person Emma," Regina said, grabbing both of Emma's hands and looking into her eyes. "You" Regina finished her speech.

Emma had tears streaming down her face the entirety of the crowd just understood what was happening. Including Hook who had enough of being quiet, Emma was his happy ending and no one else's.

He broke the silence.

" So you're telling me Regina and this entire crowd, that you think that Emma will pick you over me, your more deluded than I thought," He said trying to gain everyone's attention. It didn't work as soon as he finished talking Emma lunged at Regina and kissed her. Regina wrapped her arms around Emma and pulled her in tighter. They forgot about everyone else and just let go. A loud cough interrupted them.

"Son in the room guy's" Henry said, but he was grinning at them. Both of them turned their heads to him, still holding each other. They both grinned at him.

Regina gestures him over. Emma ruffled his hair and pulled him into the hug.

" So what now" Leroy shouted to them. Regina looked at Hook who's jaw still wasn't shut.

" I'm sorry Pirate, this Princess is mine," She said. She held Emma's hand and walked her to Knightingale. Who nudged Regina and Emma slightly with her nose as they passed.

" She likes you, I like you too," Regina said as she jumped up effortlessly onto the horse.

"Is this a bad time to tell you I'm a little scared of the horse. Plus Henry, we need a new plan" Emma said shouting to her son, wondering what she was going to do with Eclipse.

"Here I got you trust me, you're going to love this" Emma looked at Regina and the huge smile on her face and thought. Why not, she trusted Regina with her life.

Regina held out her hand and Emma grabbed it, pulling herself onto the front of the horse, with a little help from Regina. It definitely wasn't as graceful as Regina. She looked behind nervously at Regina and said.

"Hold on to me"

"Forever" Regina made a huge goofy grin.

Knightingale turned around on the spot and walked out of the trio trotted down the street.

"Are you ready?" Regina asked Emma.

" For what?" Emma asked.

"Just hold on tight," Regina said pulling Emma's into her arms so they were around her arms were around her waist. She kicked Knightingale's side three times lightly. As the horse picked up its front legs and bolted off, Emma let out a little scream. They galloped of so fast Emma's hair flew out of its carefully done hairdo. It wiped around her face.

 The Queen tightened her hold on Emma and placed her head on the blond's shoulder. Regina turned her head and kissed Emma quickly on her cheek before steering Knightingale off into the forest for a long ride. They would be back soon enough for Henry. Emma still needed to figure out what she was going to do with Eclipse. Maybe Henry could ride him. But in her heart she knew Regina was going to force riding lessons on her, Emma was slightly excited. Slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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