The devils lettuce

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You stood, your back to the solid comfort of the tree behind you. You felt the bark poke into your back uncomfortably, but you didn't care much, your mind was elsewhere.

You shakily dug into your bag, which you held tightly to your chest, pulling out a little glass tube in which you kept your joints in. You smiled as the faint scent of that wonderful green stuff pulled you out of your anxiety.

Man... had it been a long day... and you needed this...

You pulled out a lighter.. sitting down, with your bag in your lap, your tube in your hand, and your lighter accompaning it.

You breathed out... having your breath show in the cold January afternoon. It was way to cold to be outside but its not like you can smoke in the house. You unscrewed the little cap on your glass tube, shaking until the carefully wrapped joint fell out into your palm.

You smiled again and the aroma of the weed made you feel calmer. You held the joint with your lips, and you cupped your hand, lighting it up with the other. 

It lit up, fizzing slightly as the flame burned the paper. It started burning easily... and you inhaled... and exhaled... feeling a wave of calm and serenity flow through you...

You inhaled again... feeling the same wave but not as strong this time, and you blew out all your anxieties, insecurities, and fears.

Man it felt like the weight of the world was off your shoulders...

You continued to inhale and exhale peacefully... coughing every now and then.. but that was alright you came prepared with water. You placed in a headphone... playing music.. to accompany your peaceful time... and to make smoking alone less lonely.

You were half way through the joint.. when you heard a twig snap... and your attention turned right too it, as soon as the noise was made. You put your cigarette down.. looking around... grabbing your things, packing them up quickly... ready to stomp out your cigarette and run if someone came up.

Weed made you calm... but extremely paranoid. It made it seem like you had heightened senses... like some superhero shit... and you were ready to use it.

But after 30 fear filled seconds... you calmed down... and started smoking again... being almost done with it anyway.

You smoked more... breathing out the same negative feelings... when more leaves and twigs snapped behind you.

You turned around sharply... but not as scared as the first time. You saw nothing... but smiles of dense forest... and dead leaves...

You sighed... giving it one last huge inhale.

"Hey, whatcha doing? Whatcha smoking...? Is that what i think it is..?"

Your heart stopped and you instantly stopped inhaling.. choking on the smoke and coughing as you quickly stomped on the lit cigarette.

You quickly got up... grabbing your bag... walking backwards from the tree you sat at. You coughed more... and spit came to your mouth as you coughed and coughed.

Where did that come from..? Who was it.. a cop? Were you busted?

You looked around seeing nothing at first.. your head filled with fear and paranoia.

You coughed somemore.. and spit up slightly getting ready to run.

"Woah, you move fast." The same voice was back... and it made you squeal in fear. You finally noticed where it was coming from though... and from behind your tree... a man... wrapped in dirty jeans and a hoodie... with a mask strapped to his face greeted you. You could smell him from there... and he smelled like dirt, body oder, and death..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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