Pain and pleasure

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Jeff the killer

You inhaled and exhaled over and over, in a desperate, shaky attempt of trying to calm down.

" you stupid fucking-!" he screamed and It shook you to your core, even if he's screamed at you, time and time again

You seised up as strong hands pinned you the wall of the hall way, wrapping them around your throat. He squeezed and you felt his cracked flesh scratch you slightly as your windpipe moved against his palm swallowing in panic. You balled up your fists and hit his arm in a desperate and pathetic attempt of getting him off of you. You tried to talk but gurgling came out instead. tears started form as you now tried to hit harder. He returned by squeezing you harder, so hard that you couldn't let out what little air was trapped air in your starved lungs. This Is when the dangerous panic set in. clouds settled in your vision and your lungs yearned for air. You gave another try off freeing yourself by giving him a pleading, scared, desperate look. He wouldn't just let you die like this... Hell snap out of it.

Hell snap out of it...

Your heart went from unable to tell where one beat began and where one ended, to counting the beats in your mind as your heart seemed to struggle in order accomplish one after another. you swallowed again and slowly stopped struggling feeling tired and light headed.. after a few more minuets you had stopped completely, you just laid there confused... What were you doing again..? What was going on..? You didn't noticed that you just laid there almost completely unconsciousness.
Then he dropped you. you collapsed, falling to the floor while gasping for air, coughing like an  old smoker. You slowly started  to regain your senses as jeff pulled your hair harshly so you could look up to see him. You gasped again feeling the spit hit the back of your throat, choking you slightly,  making you cough more.

" now what do you have to say for yourself..?"

" I'm sorry I wont-" you were cut off by a voice crack from your hurt vocal cords. You felt tears come to your eyes as he dropped your hair. you sobbed, still being in a scared panic mode.

" stop crying! " He screamed then kicked you in the stomach. You rolled over taking in a painfully sharp breath. you panted and your survival ready mind decided this was a vulnerable position. you crawled to your knees and sat on all fours as you gasped for air, feeling it shake your bruised stomach.

Hours later he calmed down, leaving you petrified and alone. laying on the wood floor where for the last few hours weren't bothered to get up, But you eventually gathered your nerves and stood up , you couldn't lay there forever, as much as you wanted too. Holes littered the walls, shards of glass covered floor and blood speckled everywhere, some was Jeff's but most of it was yours. The room had this sickish stench of spilled alcohol a result from Jeff's drinking. Jeff drank a lot, he said he drank for a lot of reasons, most important was to numb his pain. His scars still hurt him.. And sometimes his other wounds would reopen and split, causing more irritation, sickness and pain. above all, He was a mean drunk, often taking out his pent up frustrations out on you.

Later You shifted slightly finding no warmth in your icey sheets. Your bed wasn't comfortable anymore and everything was too cold. your body was sore and you tried not to move. You sighed  curling  up in a ball feeling like the loneliest person in the world, tears started to come back as you remembered tonights events.

You heard the bedroom door creak open and heavy foot steps made there way to the bed before stopping. You heard the shifting of clothes as the mattress dipped and the sheets were tossed back. There was a weight on the mattress on and you held your breath feeling more tears come. You felt his now warm hands make their  way around your waist. You pushed away trying to get to the other side of the bed. He just beat you and you weren't ready to forgive and continue on.

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