Chapter 1: Watch Out

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((A/N: before we begin I just wanna say hi!!  This is my first fic ever so I hope you like it!!

Also, Please bear with the story through the first chapter, it's not the most eloquently written but my skills have improved since I wrote the chapter I swear :P

Love you guys <<3 enjoy ! ))


"Ugh!" You shouted out loud to your empty apartment. You looked down at the bowl of cereal you had dropped on the floor. Grabbing a rag you dropped down to clean up the mess. "Well this is a fabulous start to my day", you grumbled.

Suddenly you saw an email alert flash on your computer screen. You had been waiting for a response on one of your many job applications you had sent out in the last month, so any email notification made you anxious. In a mad dash, you forgot all about the cereal in your hands, tripped into the counter, and spilled it everywhere.
You quickly cleaned up the mess and scrambled over to your computer to open Gmail. Your eyes scanned over the messages until at last, you saw the one you had been searching for:

< RE; FNC Entertainment; Stylist Position Application. >

You couldn't believe it! A company had finally responded to your job application. Sure, it had only been 3 weeks, but you weren't exactly the most patient person in the world. You clicked on the email and nervously read through it.

< Dear Y/N L/N.

We were quite appreciative of receiving your application. We reviewed your resume and are pleased to inform you that we would like to offer you a job in our company. If you should choose to accept, please reply to this email right away.
Upon your acceptance, we request that you attend an instructional at the FNC Building (address enclosed) tomorrow. We will expect you at 8 am to receive instruction on what you will be doing at our company. Thank you for choosing FNC Entertainment and we hope to see you soon.

Sincerely, FNC Ent. Management. >

You squealed in excitement as you responded the email, smashing send. Having just graduated cosmetology school, there was no way you were turning down a job offer. Especially one at a well-known entertainment company on top of that. It was shocking that they would accept a stylist with as little experience as you. You had applied to companies like FNC as a gag more than anything. You never thought they would ever actually accept someone straight out of school.

True, you already had some experience with larger companies. To pay for college you worked as a stylist at design companies when they had their fashion shows. Maybe that was one reason they were so interested in you. Whatever the reason was, it didn't matter. The chance to work as a stylist at FNC was something you weren't letting go of any time soon.

You had gone through a lot of crap situations in your life. Things you still hadn't told anyone about. Finally you were getting your life in order. It was finally going your way. You promised yourself you weren't going to let anything get in the way of you enjoying your life, again.

Suddenly you realized something, "Wait, I need to get some new supplies asap if they want me to start tomorrow!"

You pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a list of the basic things you would need, stuffing it in your bag. You felt so giddy you could barely contain yourself.

You looked at the time. It was 10 am. If you wanted to make it to Seoul with enough time to shop for everything, you had better start getting ready. You hurried into the bathroom and hopped into the shower. You may have been in a rush, but you had cause for celebration, so you wanted to look nice.

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