Chapter 1

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Faith's POV

I was new to Canterlot High. And I don't fit into any crowds, I always classify myself as a loner or as they say, Lone-Wolf. But now here I am, having a sleepover at Pinkie's place, and getting along with everyone. I sometimes claim myself to be anti-social but, these girls understand me. Especially Rainbow Dash.

Normal POV

Faith sat on Pinkie Pie's bed, sitting in a upright position and having her chin on her knees, smiling at everyone. The sound of laughter and giggling could be heard throughout the room, but she paid attention only to Rainbow Dash. Her laugh was so cute and it made her tummy turn into butterflies, she didn't know why. Ever since they met, Faith had felt herself falling in love with the athlete. The way she would use her super speed, or when she always was playfully telling a joke or two, it made her fall more in love with her. She just wanted Rainbow Dash on top of her and her kisses all over her body, just to have her hands just slide down her stomach, into her pants and on her puss-... Faith snapped out of her thoughts and blushed hard. 'Oh my god, why am I thinking so nasty? It's not like me. But she's so attractive. I can't help it! I don't love her like that... or.. do I?!' She sighed and looked up at the ceiling, nervous. Rainbow Dash looked over at her while everyone was occupied, she then stood up and walked over to Faith and sat next to her. "Wassup Faithy? You have been very quiet tonight. Somethin' on your mind?" She then faced Rainbow Dash and shrugged. "Nope. I'm fine. You know me Dash. I'm not a talkative kind of person." However the athlete knew something was up with her friend, she didn't buy it and decided to do something about it. "Wanna go for a walk around the house? Maybe take your mind off things then?" Faith smiled and slowly got off the bed and stood up, Rainbow Dash followed her. "Sure. I'd like some fresh air." Rainbow Dash nodded and looked at her friends, "Hey guys, me and Faith are gonna go walk around the house for a bit." Everyone nodded their heads and went back to whatever they were doing, Faith and Rainbow Dash left the room and began to walk down the hallway. Inside the room, Pinkie Pie looked over at her friends and chuckled. "They so indeedly like each other!" Everyone began snickering, Applejack however chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Oh stop it guys. Let em' have their alone time. And a'hm pretty sure they ain't even datin' yet." Everyone looked at each other and agreed to let Faith and Rainbow Dash alone and let them be alone. Pinkie Pie however smiled to herself, 'They are so gonna fuck each other! Hehehe!' Pinkie Pie thought, giggling quietly. Back outside, Faith was so incredibly nervous and a bit jittery she never been alone with another person like this and she didn't know what to think.

Rainbow Dash coughed and looked at her, "So.. what's up? I know you said you didn't wanna talk about it but I'm worried about you." Faith looked down and took a reassuring breath, holding herself. "It's just, I've been having these uncontrollable urges and feelings to a certain person and I can't go a day without having... thoughts." Rainbow Dash looked at her with a surprised look on her face and was a bit confused. "What kind of thoughts and urges?" Faith didn't want to say it because of how embarrassing it was but she decided to be honest with her best friend. "Urges as in, touching yourself. Like gentle massages on the boobs and thrusting your y'know what against your hand. Those sort of urges. And the thoughts- well I mean..." Rainbow Dash noticed the nervousness in her friend and decided to bring her into a spare bedroom so they can talk privately, she even locked the door just in case. "You can tell me. Don't be afraid. Hell I love masturbating!" Faith couldn't help but laugh and giggle at the information. She then looked down and sighed, "Thing is. I have a crush on another girl so mostly my thoughts is about her... fucking me with a strap on, other times it would be pussy to pussy... but the ones that I get most are ones that end up with making out and then making love. More like fantasies then thoughts but it's the same thing." Rainbow Dash then understood her problem and then faced her. "You know your sexuality right?" Faith looked down and shook her head no. "No I don't. I mean, I've gave a few ex's oral sex, yes they were guys, and well I didn't feel anything when they licked me. I've never experienced sexual contact with another girl, I mean- during Truth or Dare I kissed Rarity but Pinkie Pie dared me too so it wasn't anything personal." Rainbow Dash chuckled, remembering that day all too well, she then went serious and moved herself closer to the other girl. "Maybe you could practice with me? Besides, I'm single and don't really care too much about guys." Faith sighed and looked away, now nervous and a bit scared. "It's not that easy. I promised to myself that I wouldn't let anybody take my virginity or even kiss me. Call me old fashioned but I'd rather loose my inner woman to the person I love y'know?" Faith kept her head down, avoiding all eye contact with Rainbow Dash, suddenly she felt a arm wrap around her shoulders. "Who's the person you got the hots for if you don't mind me asking?" Faith then slowly pulled away, almost on the verge of tears. "I can't tell you. She probably doesn't feel the same way about me, I mean I'm way out of her league and she probably loves someone else." Rainbow Dash arched her eyebrow and then patted her back, giving her a bit of comfort. "Why would you think that? I bet she just wants to make love to you just as much as you do." Faith blushed and since it was dark in the room and only a nightlight on, her blush wasn't visible. Suddenly she felt Rainbow Dash kiss her neck and her hands began to roam her chest. "And your so not out of my league." Faith melted into the touch but tried to pull away. "How did figure out it was you?" Rainbow Dash then leaned back and brought Faith with her, keeping her legs open and then pulled off her shirt. "It was pretty easy to figure out, plus I've been having fantasies about you for a while."

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