Some explaining, I guess

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Hello hello everyone! Okay, the picture might be much but hear me out on this. I know when it comes to certain ships, age can sometimes be a factor in them. Or the ship isn't that popular in it's community. I think both go for RinxKaito in a one way or another. Thus getting to my point.

I do know that Kaito has been shown as a big brother to Rin and Len in fanart and some songs. But I think the romantic relationship between him and Rin is pretty adorable. Its one of those ships that can be seen as romantic or platonic.

An example of this is Sebastian and Ciel in Black Butler. For those that follow or know me, I see those two in a platonic relationship. A father-son or brotherly to be more accurate. I don't hate the fans that ship them. It's just not my cup of tea. Plus, we could have a loooooong talk about their age difference and the fact Sebastian looks like his dad. So, yeah! As I said, not my cup of tea

Same can be said about Rin and Kaito. Some see it as brother-sister or romantically. In this story, I am going romantically and that's how it'll go.

Also, going to the age part of this, here are their ages in this story. Rin with stay 14, since that is her recorded age and Kaito with be 18 years old. Seeing how some sites say he's 18, 20 or older, I'm going for the age he more than likely looks. So 18 will be his age and the age difference isn't that bad, to me at least.

Other than that, I hope you all like this new ship story I have in store. Till next, bye-bye~💜

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