How they came to be

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      As most may know, the first ever vocaloid made was Hatsume Miku. Our aqua-green, pig-tailed girl with an amazing voice and talent for music. She is the first android to be primarily made for entertainment. She was a test to see how people would reaction about a computer having a voice, rather than it actually being a singer. Everyone had been taken aback in amazement and loved her to death. Nothing like that Miku had been done and, for sometime, was one of a kind.

      Because of this, Electric Heart Studio or EHS was created and founded. Leading to new people being hired and other androids being created. Soon after, fans started them "Vocaloids;" combining vocal and androids together. The people at EHS liked the sound of it and soon adopted the name for their creations. Thus, the birth of the Vocaloids came to be and entertaining a worldwide fanbase.

      Throughout that time frame, the whole cast of vocaloids have grown and evolve into so much more. As such, fan favorites where picked and used to make the most music with. Whether it be them singing solo or together. With the string of popularity as expected, many fans started began to shipping them with each other. It would either be seeing them get along so well, which is very popular, or feeling that their voices go the best together.

      This lead to the creators having their vocaloids perform for a live audience. The whole world was taken by storm and hyped as hell for their first ever "live" concerts. Actaully getting to see them perform in person for fans or being actual androids rather than a voice on a computer screen. Fans were baffled to hear that the creators really did built their stars. Not just being voices made on a computer with an image showing who the voice belonged too. Of course, they wanted to hear more and asked how such an idea was able to pull through.

      EHS explained it was a matter of years researching and looking into the mechanics of the human body. In true, they all were made from model figures. They took into account they shape, figure and age each were to meant to be had they actually been human. More or less, having been taken from an actually person to make them as possible. Once all the data had been gathered, they got to work on the mechanics and began building them. Thanks to advanced workings, they where online and are as human as can be. Being able to eat and feel emotions just like any other. 

      As explained by the company, they all live in respected buildings with their programmers and interact with each other. Like apartments with enough space and get out to the surrounding world around them. Getting together for songs, music videos and just having fun with each other. They have gone on interviews since the release of this information and it became the norm. All was well and it was seen that the Vocaloids do have their very own personalities. Each from either the same or different creator that are part of the company as a whole. 

      Miku being a bubbly character, always happy to be with fans and showing her love for them. Rin and Len being typical siblings; Rin being a bit of a trouble maker and out there, while Len is more responsible and less troublesome as Rin. He does have his moments of being like her, however. Though, their creator had made them as opposites of each other and called them "mirror images." So they can be seen as siblings or a couple in some cases, given how they have done songs where they are a couple. They mainly see each other as siblings for the most part. Kaito and Gakupo being the more adult and serious types in many cases, showing their softer playful sides. Kaito kept more to himself at time where Gakupo had a more open personality. Both being very sweet and charmers when the time called for it. Luka and Meiko are more adult as well, but being opposites from each other. Meiko being a party drinking woman and Luka being the shy and quiet type.

      Many have asked how they felt about fans shipping them with another and the love songs they preform together. All desperately wanting to know their thoughts about all the types they've performed; from the heart-warming, psycho-love (aka. yandere song), breakups, and love triangles. Also well as knowing how they felt about performing more mature/sexually and dark/taboo songs as well. They all said it's very interesting to have a whole fanbase draw and voice out what couples they care for so deeply.

      Some couples raised a few eyebrows but overall they didn't mind it all that much. They're actors as well as being singers, it was part of their line of work. Of course some more "adult" context would be called for, but it's nothing to complain over that much. However, it did bother than about how some fans would be so passionate about a couple they would start wars about what was better. Even trying to shame one another for liking a ship that isn't as popular.

      Because of this our young, yellow-haired vocaloid was afraid of accepting her feelings. Let alone tell the person she was into about her feelings. She feared the backlash from the fanbase and reaction of who she likes. Knowing it wouldn't go well to begin with had the unthinkable happen in the feelings being . Besides... there are other older and prettier girls than she is. Kaito would never give those feelings in return... at least, not to a kid like Rin.

Rather short, but it sets the story and wheels in motion :3

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