Day Three

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The aroma of the saffron-veiled food wafting from the kitchen shelf is an assault,

Undeniably delicious in its pungent scent,

Flavors advertising themselves as enticing before even a nibble crosses the lips.

You tell me you do not like Indian food, and this is understandable.

I do not like so many things, but when the spicy saffron scent arrives,

Announcing itself in all its expensive and decadent glory,

I know the gesture is a simple one that's just for me. 

I have always liked spice so much more than you do, and that may be the simple reason

You've loved me for what seems like lifetimes. 

Isn't that the meaning of true love?

It isn't glittering jewels or flawless roses, but the sacrifice of one's own happiness to another.

Your sacrifice is my delight, although there is some guilt in that admission. 

Guilt is a temporary emotion, fading at the slightest hint of saffron

Floating in the air, proudly presenting devotion in the form of temptation and delight.

There are worse ways to say "I love you."

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