Date night

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Castiel was sat on the bed in his and Dean's room reading from a lore book.

"Hey, Cas." Dean said walking in their room. "Whatcha doing, honey? Why are you reading from the lore books?"

"Some of these creatures are quite interesting, but they are very deadly." Cas said sadly. "I don't understand why my father created them all."

"So then I'd have a job." Dean smiled lightening the mood and sat on the bed.

"But its a very dangerous job, and it's taken such a toll on you." Castiel reminded.

"I know, love. But I'll be ok, now that I've got you." Dean grabbed Cas' hand and kissed it softly.

"What did you need?" Cas asked.

"Oh, right! Come on." Dean said pulling Cas' hand to stand him up and walked out of the room.

They walked the halls to the garage until Castiel spoke up "Where are we going?"

"Well, we've been in that bunker for who knows how long, I thought we could go do something." Dean smiled staring the car.

"Like a date night?" Cas questioned tilting his head to the side.

"Uh, yeah I guess that's a good name for it." Dean smiled and settled his hand on Cas' leg and drove away from the bunker and into town.

"Dinner, Love?" Dean suggested once restaurants were in view.

"Yes, Can we go to the diner from last week? They had good pie." Cas smiled looking out the window.

"Of course." Dean said and turned the corner.

The couple got out of the car and walked in to the diner. The were sat down by a hostess and looked through the menu.

"I think the good thing about you being human now is that we can actually enjoy dinner together." Dean smiled and rubbed his thumb over the ex-angels knuckles.

"Yes, it is quite nice." Cas smiled, he was finally getting used to being human. It was difficult at first, overpowered emotions and feelings of failure. But Dean was right there to help him. Teaching him how to shot a gun and learning very quickly how to drive when Dean was injured on a hunt, that was a long night for everyone.

They ordered burgers and talked about whatever they could and Dean fawned about the beauty of his angel, no power would change the fact that Dean thought he was an angel.

"So, Dean. What are we going to do about finding Lucifer? He's still on the lose and he-"

"Stop, let's just be normal for a second." Dean said shaking his head. "Please, just for a minute let's pretend there's no monsters, no wars between heaven and hell, just two normal people eating dinner together. Just a couple on a date."

"Oh, ok. I can do that." Cas smiling fondly at Dean. "Well then, how was your day, Honey?" Cas winked making Dean laugh.

"Perfect." He smiled. "How was yours?"

"Interesting, I read a good book on the supernatural, sounds terrible." Cas said sarcastically with a smile.

"Yeah, spooky creatures, huh?" Dean asked popping a French fry in his mouth.

"Yeah, I was reading about one called a Whisper. It's like a mix of a wear wolf and a vampire, I don't remember what killed it but not even cutting off its head did anything." Cas rambled on about all the creatures they've hunted pretending they were fake instead how most people would pretend that they were real.

This is what Dean dreamed about; A regular life with Cas, having a normal office job, maybe even a kid or two. But that was something they wouldn't get. Maybe in the next life. For now, they just played house every now and again.

"Dean?" Cas said snapping his fingers in front of his boyfriend's face.

"Huh, yeah?" Dean asked snapping back from his daydream.

"Where did your brain go?" Cas asked.

"Huh, oh. Nowhere, well to me and you with an apple pie life." He answered.

"Oh, maybe one day?" Cas suggested.

"Maybe." Dean agreed to stay cheerful.

"Can I get get anything else for you, gentlemen?" A waitress asked walking up to their table.

"What kind of pie do you recommend?" Dean asked kindly.

"Today, the apple. It's fresh right now, I just pulled it out of the oven a little bit ago." She smiled.

"Two slices please." Dean told her and bumped Castiel's foot under the table with his own.

"Coming right up!" The waitress walk away into kitchen.

"What was that for?" Cas frowned childishly.

"What?" Dean asked playfully.

"You kicked me!" Cas frowned.

"Aww, sorry, babe." Dean cooed and held his hand across the table.

"Two slices of apple pie." The waitress said again.

"Thank you." Dean and Cas said in unison before the young women left.

They both dig into their dessert and smiled at each other.

"Jeez, this is really good." Dean smiled.

"Yeah, I understand why you love pie so much." The ate their pie, payed for their food, and left the diner.

"That was fun." Cas said when they got back In the car.

"Yeah, what else do ya' wanna do?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, we could go back to the bunker and watch a movie." Cas said.

"Sounds perfect." Dean smiled and set his hand on Cas' leg as he drove.

Back at the bunker Dean settled with Castiel on the couch with a movie they've seen a hundred times before. Cas has his head on Dean's shoulder with their fingers laced together.

"This was a good day." Cas said moving his head to Dean's lap.

"Yeah, I had a good time." Dean agreed. "And it was good for us to get out for a little. We've been cooped up in here for too long."

"Yeah, I like doing things with you." Cas said looking up at Dean.

"I do too." Dean smiled. "I love you, Castiel." Dean leaned his head down and kissed his love.

"I love you too, Dean." Cas smiled letting the feeling linger before turning back to watch the movie.


Word count: 1010

So, it's been a minute. I've had writers block and cramming for finals but school is out for me in three days so I should have more soon!

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