Leftover smile

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During the first day of middle school my eyes were aimlessly wandering around the new, unfamiliar building until I saw you leaning comfortably against a wall, a strawberry in your mouth. You immediately became the reason that kept me going even when I didn't want to. And even though I was always around you, I never really was.

9th grade was the first time we met eye to eye. You were wearing the leftover smile that you sent to a friend. I thought it was meant for me and couldn't control my natural flush. If I had been in my deepest stage of love for you before, then I had definitely fallen even deeper. You had finally noticed my existence even though we had been in twelve group projects together already.

I started to realize you whispering to your friends whenever I was around; but who were you talking about? Back then I was always around this nice, pretty little girl that everyone wanted to be around. Perhaps you were talking about her. Perhaps I was stupid for even thinking there was a possibility that you would've thought of me, but I didn't know.

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