Chpt 13

337 15 4

Heyy you guys , just remember to comment as you read so I know how y'all are feeling about certain situations . I would love to read you guys thoughts

Nicki P.O.V

I've been out lately , hanging w/ my friends . Been really to myself lately . No more Dj , no more drama . Im just relaxing enjoying life right now . It's 4 in the morning & I'm just getting to the house , but when I meet the front door of the house I felt eyes staring me down .

"Where you been ? Are you out creeping & having sex too ?" Where is this coming from . I just came in the house & I get accused for having sex ? What the hell . In my mind I'm like what is sex !

"What are you talkin about ?" I sassed more out of curiosity then anger .

" You know damn well what I'm talking about ! "

" Daddy , I'm not having sex ! I've just been hanging w/ friends of mine . Who are you to accuse me of having sex anyway , if you didn't see me then don't assume ! If you don't have proof then Don't accuse ! " I didn't mean to say it like that but it just slipped out . I wasn't brought up to talk back cause I knew what was following after . He eyes bucked & nostrils started to flare .

" Oh ! So you're grown too , huh ! Ima show your ass grown . Give me all ya shit , cell phone , unplug that got damn tv , games , what ever the fuck you got the brings interest to your little hands & mind . I want it ! In my fucking hand in 10 minutes . & I'm not playing not one got damn game ! " Has he lost his ever loving mind ? What have I done to deserve this ? Where is Ni'ah ? Wtf is going on .

" I didn't even do anything to you , let alone anybody else , I come home being accused of having sex & what not & I punished for nothing ! You crazy man ! "

" You think coming into MY house at 4 something in the got damn morning justifies anything , you think that gives me a good impression ? Huh !!! How the hell I know you ain't having sex , selling drugs , smoking the shit ! A little- little puff puff pass ! " He said w/ hand gestures . Who the hell do he think I am ??

" So you saying the thing that you have instilled in me from me being yae-high isn't working in me ?? I know right from wrong !!! & I'ma teenager ! You've done way worse then I have in your past & you're blaming me of doing your mistakes ! I ain't you nor do I wanna be you ! " I didn't wanna hear his mouth for another second . I grabbed my bags & ran up stairs looking for my mama . She wasn't anywhere to be find , neither was Ni'ah . I've been calling her none stop since that night she texted me . Me & her talk everyday , it doesn't matter if were mad at each other or not . We talk regardless .

Javi P.O.V

I haven't heard from Ni in a couple of weeks , I've been calling , texting , face-timing , oovooing , tango , skype , name it all I've done . I even went over to her house & yes I went old school & started throwing rocks at her window , but there wasn't any luck in that . I think about her all day everyday none stop . Like this is killing me , my insides & shit . I feel so damn bad , it's unreal . I know I sound like a clingy nigga , but in actuality , I just don't know what to do . It feel like I'm doing this all wrong , like I'm not doing enough . Man I'm fucking Javi ! I'm the man , fuck this gushy shit Ima call my boy to dilute some of this pain . To get my mind off all these situations . . . . .For now .

Phone call

"Aye man , meet me at the spot "

"Alright , lemme handle some real quick & I'll be there in 10"

"Alright bruh , no later then 10 , tell them hoes you get business to handle up on"

"You know I ain got hoes . . . . their called thotteroes "

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