Chapter Six

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The week drags on. Jason visits my house every day. Today's Thursday. Thursday night, 11:50 PM. 10 more minutes, and I'm sixteen. As usual (as 'usual' has been for the past few days), I'm on the phone with Jason, talking about nothing at all. We enjoy each other's company, even if we have nothing to say. Gabby thinks it's absolutely adorable. She says she knew it was going to happen the moment she saw us talking. Amy thinks it's the cutest thing she's ever seen, and Liam's really, really happy that I finally know how he feels about Gabby.

"Destiny?" Jason says. "Yeah?" I reply. "I have a surprise for you tomorrow. For your birthday. Think you'll be able to stop by my house?" I smile. "Sure. What time?" "Any time you feel like it, babe." Love is making my heart grow a thousand times more. He just called me babe. "Babe?" I laugh. "Sorry, was it a little too soon for that?" Jason's voice is filled with concern. I laugh again. "No, no, I like it. It sounds amazing coming out of your mouth, in that British-Irish accent of yours." I can almost feel him batting his eyelashes right now. "I love you. I'll call you in like five minutes." "I love you too. And bye!" I shut off my phone, sighing happily.

I finally belive in love. The power it holds. Love's when you're important to another person. When that person will always find a way to make time for you. No excuses, no lies, no broken promises. Jason's all of this. That's why I'm so happy when I'm with him. He makes me feel like the only girl in the world. I can be myself when I'm with him. And he loves that.

Five minutes later, I hear my phone beeping. Three times. I turn it on and grin. Messages from Amy, Liam, and Jason. Amy: Happy Birthday, gurl! I'm coming by your house tomorrow, 8:00 AM. You better be awake! Love you so much! Liam: Happy Birthday, best fraaaaan! Okay, that was a little cheesy. Anyway, I LOVE YOU! Happy Birthday again! I'm coming to your house too. Um, and make sure Gabby's there. Bye :) Jason: I'm calling you. I love you.

Jason calls me, and I reply automatically. He's singing Happy Birthday. In an Irish accent. And I'm melting inside. Heck, my whole body's melting with the wonderful sound of his voice. When he's finished, I can almost picture him smiling that smile of his. "Happy Birthday, Destinnnny!" "Thank you so much, Jase!" I'm crying. Happy tears.

Life couldn't get any better. 

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