Ch. 18

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Sorry for cutting it off just like that :3 I have a really big thing for cliff hangers. lol


Jamie's POV~


Why did he do this?

How could he do this to me?

I need. What do I need? I need Joe or Andy or Patrick. More like Joe or Andy. I need Andy. Where's my phone?

* to: My darling Joe :)

What's Andy's moms' address? It's important. *

I got an answer back almost immediately.

* from: My darling Joe :)

476 South 6th st. Chicago. Why? *

* to: My darling Joe :)

No reason. *

There isn't really a big need for him to know. Plus I'm sure he'll find out sooner or later. Because hell, I need to talk to my Andy.


Where the hell is this place? 473 474 477 478 did I miss it?? My brain is slowly dying. OH MY GOD. I found it! did I? It's really small. I guess I did. I park and slowly walk to the door. I take a deep breath and knock.

"Hello?" a woman answers the door. It must be his mom.

"Hello? Hi. I'm here to see Andy?"

The woman gasps.

"Don't I know you?" she smiles.

"Do you?"

"Your Jamie!" She points at me. Does she knows me? She doesn't really look familiar.

"Your Andy's friend! He misses you so much." She looks so sad. I suddenly feel bad for her. To go through what she has to go through taking care of Andy? I don't think I could do it.

"I miss him to. Where is he?"

she chuckles. "Where else could he be? He's in the basement. The doors to it are around the house to the left."

"Okay thank you." I wave goodbye.

The doors are covered in grass like someone was trying to hide it and the doors where rusted. When was the last time Andy left here? I move the grass away and open the doors.

Here goes nothing.

"Andy?" I say.



Still nothing.

I walk into what seems could pass as a whole other house.

"Oh my God. Andy!"

To the moon and back (pete x patrick x Joe x andy x oc)Where stories live. Discover now