How It All Started

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As stated in the summary I don't own the images, Tokyo Ghoul, or any of the characters I may or may not use/mention. I welcome any comments and any ideas you may have for another fanfiction on the topic of Tokyo Ghoul. And if you haven't already read I have others fanfictions I've already published and I will still happily except comments on the one-shots. Please enjoy!     - Nezumi

How It All Started - Chapter 1

The Quinx Squad knew something was up. It wasn't like it was terribly obvious or anything, but it was just the slightest gesture or movement their mentor would make that would set them on edge. Though they were all a bit too hesitant to ask and Urie, like always, didn't care.

They all watched with apprehension as the page of the book Sasaki Haise was currently reading crinkled between his fingers with an audible crackle as the paper was bunched together and covered in ugly wrinkles. His breath seemed to hitch for a moment then he relaxed again and his fingers loosened around the abused page. Sasaki didn't seem to notice the stares he was receiving over a game boy, a book, or a pillow. Either that or he was purposefully ignoring them.

Honestly, no one could tell.

Suddenly a loud sigh echoed through the room and Sasaki stood up abruptly, making Tooru and Saiko jump and causing Shirazu to freeze behind his pillow.

"I'm tired, I think I'll be heading to bed early." Sasaki states in a voice that betrays no emotion.

"Y-Yeah, see you in the morning." Tooru stammers out.

Sasaki puts on a small smile and nods in return, "Goodnight, don't stay up too late." He exits the room with an almost wobbly gate that allowed his fatigue to show through.

Sasaki had been acting odd all night. Sighing, constant shifting, wrinkling pages, tapping his feet and his fingers, and even cracking his index finger once. It was a bit disturbing to see Sasaki so restless.

"Is it just me or is something up with Sassan?" Shirazu spoke up in a shaking voice that portrayed uncertainty.

"Yeah, something is seriously wrong." Tooru nods his head up in down in fast agreement. "But when I tried asking him earlier he just said he was fine." his voice shrunk to a whisper, coated in worry as his gaze dropped to the cover of the book in his lap.

"Hey, guys . . ." Saiko spoke up and since she didn't speak much, her being particularly lazy, Shirazu and Tooru focused on her words. Urie still blocking everyone out with his music. "Did Maman's hair get whiter?" she dug into a bag of chips next to her popping one into her mouth with a crunch.

This made the two exchange extremely worried glances.

Tooru spoke up this time, "I read in a book once that if adults are overstressed, nervous, or anxious they could start getting grey hair, or in his case, more white?" he bit the end of his finger, feeling nervous himself.

"Then how about we dote on Sassan!" Shirazu was quick to come up with a solution, despite his seeming lack of mental skill. "How about in the morning we make him coffee and give it to him in the morning!" he seemed excited by his idea. "Breakfast in bed!"

The other two on the couch opposite him perked up at the idea. "Yes! That's wonderful!" Tooru agreed with a pleased smile.

"Wake me up so I can help too!" Saiko said as she got up, leaving her chips and game in the dust, "I'm going to bed early too!" They hadn't seen Saiko move so fast in a long time and couldn't help but stare in awe as she raced off to her bed.

But in the end, Tooru and Shirazu just exchanged grins. It warmed both their hearts to see Saiko so worried about Sasaki she would ditch her precious games and food and even wake up early.

------------------ END CHAPTER

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