Black Licorice Sweet

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This chapter is very long, but please savor the flavor of the feelings I poured into this.


Black Licorice Sweet - Chapter 3

The all shifted outside their mentor's door. They had not a clue what to expect. Even though from what they had heard from Shironeki that Kuroneki was rather naive and trusting they still were nervous as to what would greet them this morning.

They rapped on the door lightly, not receiving a response they let it rasp open so they could all slip in, (the group, even included Urie today who said he was too inquisitive to pass up this chance), and close the door behind themselves.

Stepping in they approached the bed.

It seems hair really can change overnight because lying in bed face up was a black-haired boy instead of white or a mixture of the colors. His arms were splayed to either side and he breathed lightly in his sleep.

Shirazu spoke the wake-up call. "Come on, time to wake up! We have some nice hot coffee!" he lightly shook the sleeping form under the covers.

He murmured something as he rolled over, not even close to waking up.

"Come on, time to get out of bed." Urie spoke up as he shook the black-haired boy a little harder then Shirazu did.

Slowly, in a zombie-like fashion, the boy sat up in bed with a giant yawn, rubbing his eyes sleepily and looked around with a grey eye and the other being black and red instead, which surprised most there, but of course, they didn't let this show.

When his eyes landed on the others he stared for a moment, blinked, then gave a yelp that made everyone jump in surprise, as the black haired boy scrambled to stand he was quick to wrap himself in the sheets and land with a thump on the wooden floors and let out a groan of pain.

"I see what Shironeki meant by vulnerable." Urie says in a blunt tone.

"Y-yeah." Tooru agrees hesitantly, sweatdropping.

"I-I'm sorry!" Kuroneki scrambles bunglingly to his feet with a fast apology. "Y-You startled me! I never expected t-to be greeted l-like this!" he stutters as he rings his hands together before he gives a deep bow to them all which makes them all stare in surprise.

"P-Pleased to meet you. I'm the original Kaneki Ken, Kaneki number one, please just call me Kuroneki." Kuroneki introduces himself and he stands up.

Everone gives their own fast bows in return.

"Here, have some coffee, you seem to be hungry, this should help." Tooru holds out the mug for Kuroneki with a gentle smile, subtly mentioning his eye.

Kuroneki gasps and a hand flies to cover up his eye. "O-Oh, I'm sorry about this, how embarrassing!" he fumbles around in a drawer and pulls out a white eye patch, slipping it on with a soft snap. "I apologize! I can't control my eye very well." Kuroneki gives an embarrassed smile, his cheeks dusted with red. "Yes, I would love some coffee!"

He excepts the mug with a smile. Taking a sip he savors the taste. "Well done! This coffee is really good!" he praises. "Very good Tooru, not many people can make such good coffee with such little experience!"

Tooru blushes at this. "Thank you, I tried my best."

"Now I must ask though this may seem blunt, how was Shironeki? He didn't threaten or hurt any of you, did he?" Kuroneki suddenly turned serious, though it was more adorable than scary with the pout.

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