Shironeki Is Second To None

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I'm warning ahead of time, there might be OOC-ness! I always have trouble with Shironeki's personality! Though I tried my hardest and hope you don't end up hating him or something. - Nezumi

P.S. - Spoilers - please be careful!

Shironeki Is Second To None - Chapter 2

Just as planned the squad got up early the next morning, with the exception of Urie and dragging the half-dead body of Saiko out of her bed.

The smell of coffee brewing filled the kitchen and made Tooru smile as he poured the dark stream into a white mug with a yellow and orange flower on one side. It was Sasaki's favorite mug that he said always perked him up no matter how down he might be, the sensation of spring and flowers made him cheery.

Those words had made them all laugh and tease Sasaki for being girly, he just brushed them off and said that he loved the mug anyways, girly or not. Smiling in memory, Tooru set it on a small lap platter and hands it to a waiting Shirazu who takes it with a sharp-toothed grin.

"I can't wait to see his face!" Shirazu says quietly to himself as they make their way's up the stairs.

Saiko spoke in a sleepy voice as she waddled after the other two. "Hope this makes Maman feel better."

"Yeah, I hope so too Siako." Tooru agrees as she looks back at the girl with half-lidded eyes and pigtails.

As they reach their mentor's door Tooru knocks politely for Shirazu since he had his hands full. The echo could be heard in the room and they didn't get a response so they let the door creak open.

Stepping in they see the rather sparsely furnished room, only decorated with a bed, desk and small dresser.

"Yikes, it's like a cell or something." Shirazu whispered softly so as not to awake the sleeping bundle of blankets that lie on the mattress.

"We'll have to help him redecorate. Some anime posters would be nice." Saiko said.

"We are not putting that up Saiko." Tooru says as he glances at the sleeping form warily, hoping their talking wouldn't wake him.

They moved closer, setting the argument aside for later debate.

"Sassan, time to wake up!" Shirazu says in a cheery voice as Saiko reached out to gentle shake their teacher.

"Wakey, wakey Maman." she cooed as she shook him some more until there is a soft grumble and Sasaki shifts, rolling over under the covers.

"We've prepared some nice-" Tooru was cut off her speak as Sasaki sat up abruptly.

There was a long strain of silence as the Quinx Squad just stared with slack jaws and wide eyes.

Sasaki's hair was completely white, not a lock or strand of black left.

Sasaki let his head tip in the kids' direction, his eyes are tired and rather emotionless and regard them all with something akin to disdain or perhaps lack of interest.

"Ah, so you're the pipsqueaks that Haise is so attached to." The white-haired Sasaki says in a low and chilling voice. "Honestly, he said you were strong, so I was expecting something more than this."

Silence once more descended and they could only watch incomprehensively as this cold Sasaki slid his legs off the edge of the bed and stood up. He picked up the mug Shirazu had forgotten he'd been holding and took a long swig from it.

"Didn't taste half bad." he grunted as he set the empty mug down on the tray with and clack leaving the room and the stunned quinxes in it.

"Who was that?" Saiko asks softly frozen where she stood.

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