Chapter Five

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Charlie and Milly keep in step with each other as they walk through the courtyard of school. Beaumont High recently relocated to a newer location with larger buildings, fresher paint jobs, a bigger gymnasium, a larger football field, and a large shaded courtyard. Clinging in small clusters, students clutter in front of buildings and tables.

The two friends glide past the assortment of students: the honors nerds, the Nobodies, The Mob (allowing Charlie a less than necessary "man moment," as Milly refers to it, where Charlie proceeds to high five, butt smacks, and chest bumps nearly every teammate and co-athlete within the circle radius—which of course warrants Milly's eye-roll), the Bitch Clique (at which point Milly stares in the opposite direction, toward building K, and she walks faster ; her hands begin to shake and her heart races), and finally, the Aliens (thus named for their other-worldly size and brute force in all things physical, including but not limited to football). Dalton Weber, King of the Aliens himself, sees Milly down the hall and motions for her to come over. His brown hair settles perfectly on his head and his brown eyes almost call Milly forward. Milly flashes her best smile at him and walks toward him.

"Great," Charlie says flatly.

"Be nice, Charlie," Milly shoots back under her breath as she picks up her pace, while Charlie lags a little more slowly behind. Of all the guys in school, there is no one Charlie hates more than Dalton, and vise-versa. Charlie, being captain of the wrestling team, and Dalton, being one of the football team's captains, are destined to hate each other for all entirety.

The wrestling and track teams had long been rivals of the football team—track and field insisting that the football is only using "their" field, while the wrestlers just hate them because of their undeserved fame. The different groups began hanging out and earned their names accordingly. The wrestlers and runners stuck together and were only seen in numbers of at least four or more (with the exception of Charlie, who joined the wrestling team his freshman year. Because of his talent and build, he quickly climbed his way to the top and was named captain over the summer) and the football players, being generally unfriendly and gigantically large, became the Aliens.

Dalton drapes his over-sized arm around Milly's shoulder and says, "Hey Mill-ster. What's up?"

"Hey Dalton," Milly beams despite the weight his massive arms. "Nothing much. How was your summer?" Dalton is the most well known guy in school and unlike the rest of the Aliens is decently well liked—meaning his speaking with her is a sign that her popularity has grown immensely over the summer. She wonders if that might be a bad sign, but puts the thought quickly out of her mind.

"Pretty great. I spent most of it working out, you know?" He shrugs his shoulders and cast a crooked smiled down at Milly.

He's corny, and Milly thinks he's trying too hard, but it still makes her smile. Then his beautiful russet eyes come disarmingly close as he leans in to whisper, "I see summer has been pretty good for you, too." His eyes move quickly from her face to the entire length of her body, while his fingertips dance across her skin from her shoulders to the small of her back. The rest of the Aliens chuckle in agreement. Charlie, however, quickly unraveled Dalton's arm from Milly's body and wraps his own arm around Dalton's shoulders.

"Oh Dal-ster, you're so sweet. Maybe if you put as much energy into being a good football player as you do acting like a douche, your team might actually win some games this year."

Milly can't help the snicker that flies from her lips. Quickly, she covers it up by coughing.

"Don't get cocky, Thornton—"

"Oh, I don't have to. Unlike you, my scores speak for themselves," Charlie taunts. Dalton takes a threatening step towards Charlie, but Milly intercedes. She looks up and takes in both of their tall figures—both clearly towering over her. Charlie has more lean muscle, while Dalton is thicker. Charlie is clearly taller and, unbeknownst to any school mates, has more pent up aggression. If Milly had to choose, she knows Charlie could beat anyone in any fair fight. Unfortunately, Dalton rarely fights fair.

"Ha ha. Okay, that's enough guys," she says coolly. She places her hand on Dalton's chest and gently pushes him to the other side of the Alien ring, placing herself in the middle. The eyes of every guy within two yards are on Milly as she leans in toward Dalton. The boys of the circle have a difficult time focusing on anything else; occasional mouths drop open as they take in her full and long figure. "So how is practice going? Do you guys think you'll have a promising season this year?"

Charlie huffs, tearing his eyes from Milly as she becomes the object of a group fawning. He meanders over to his locker to put his new notebook and Algebra 2 book inside. He looks back at Milly, basking in the attention she receives from the Aliens, and shakes his head.

"It's going well. We'll have promising season this year."

"Cool—" she beings to say.

"Do you guys really think that practicing this early in the season is going make you play any better, Dolly?" Charlie interjects.

"Get lost, Thornton. I was talking to Milly. Don't you have a leotard or something to put on?" His voice is uneven and his frustration is easily heard.

"Ha-ha. Very funny. But I'm pretty sure Milly's got better things to do than hang out with a bunch of losers," Charlie smirks.

Dalton sneers at Charlie, "Keep it up, Thornton. You'll regret it later, I can guarantee it."

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go, Charlie," Milly says.

Dalton puts his arm around Charlie. "It's all right, Milly. It's all fun and games, right Thornton?"

"Yeah, just a little team rivalry," Charlie says stiffly.

Milly rolls her eyes and then begins to walk toward her own locker on the opposite side of the hall.

Dalton's voice falls to a low whisper, his arm still around Charlie, "Touchdowns won't be the only thing I'll be scoring this season; you can thank Milly for that." Dalton winks at Charlie who then grabs Dalton's arm and swings it around his head until Dalton is on the floor.

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