Chapter Six

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Milly sees Dalton on the floor, Charlie towering over him, and runs back over. She tries to push Charlie but is unsuccessful.

"Charlie, stop it. Now," she warns coldly.

His body keeps pushing down on Dalton; his arm rests in between Dalton's chin and chest, cutting off his oxygen. Dalton's face is turning red. A low murmur burst throughout the crowd now gathered around the three students. The Bitch Clique has also come to watch the action, making Milly more nervous than she was before. Suddenly, she wants to disappear. Cynthia Ethan, Top Bitch, catches Milly's eyes and casts a hateful stare Milly's way. It doesn't take long before the other six girls with her join in, too. Milly starts to glare back at the unwelcoming group, but decides to flash a beautiful smile instead. Cynthia rolls her eyes and mouths the word "whore." Milly remains composed, though, despite the racing of her heart and the fear that's slowly began to creep up her spine. She simply nods and turns back to look at Charlie. Milly catches a glimpse of a small woman darting down the hall before she sees that Dalton's face is a light shade of purple now, Charlie still telling him to take it back—whatever "it" is, Milly isn't sure.

"Charlie!" Milly yells right into his year. "Mrs. Pelts is coming."

Charlie's head snaps up and sees a short, stubby woman with graying hair rush down the long hall. He quickly gets off Dalton. When Dalton stands, he coughs trying to catch his breath.

"What's going on boys?" Mrs. Pelts asks.

"Nothing, just showing Dalton some wrestling moves," Charlie says.

Dalton's face is no longer purple, but it's clear he still can't speak: he nods instead.

"I will remind you there is a swift penalty for fighting on campus. If I see you two acting up again, be sure that it will be the last time. This school does not tolerate fighting between students, and you will be promptly removed and whatever positions you hold in sports eliminated. Is that quite clear?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am," both boys say in unison, staring at the ground.

"And the rest of you," she calls to the students that have gathered around, watching the show. "You would do well to leave for class." None of the students move, however. "Now!" she yells and students begin to slowly disperse.

"Consider this your first and only warning," she says harshly to the boys before scurrying back to the administrations office.

Milly watches as she goes and then gives Charlie a disappointed glare. He shrugs his shoulders and picks his bags off the floor. Milly begins to walk toward him, but a high pitched voice slows her steps.

"All this fuss over a little slut," Cynthia says loud enough that Milly can hear her, while students brush past the small pack of girls. Cynthia stands tall, her black hair set in curls that reach just below her chest. Her dirty brown eyes pierce right through the back of Milly's thick skin, right into her core. Milly shakes off the feeling and stops listening.

Charlie turns to look at Milly, confused as to why she slowed. He hears the Bitch Clique talking a few paces behind them; Milly's face is sullen and Charlie feels even worse for the fight now.

"Pathetic, really. She's not even pretty," Brooke Dennis says staring right at Milly.

"I guess they must be really desperate," Dana Smith adds.

"Must be. They're probably fighting to win the lowest price for a date," Cynthia says before walking quickly past Charlie and Milly. She bumps hard into Milly's left shoulder. All the girls laugh as they follow Cynthia down the hall, shooting glances back at Milly.

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