Chapter Ten

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I flipped around my glass phone in my hand, wondering what it would be like if I were to find some way to shatter it. There was nothing I could possibly gain from doing such a thing, but I couldn't help but wonder about it nevertheless. But before I could give in to the temptation and actually do such a thing, I decided to check what was actually in my phone.

The moment I saw that Ianto had sent me a message, I found myself dizzy with anticipation. All I wanted to do in that moment was simply read through it and try to decipher what was happening over with my brother. Ronnie tended to make fun of me for getting so excited about it, but her words couldn't stop what I was feeling.

Lucky enough for me, Ronnie was not nearby at that particular moment. All I had to worry about is making sure I had enough time to read it before I needed to report in to see Alex and end up getting my training for the day. I hadn't a clue what to expect - everything had been incredibly vague, just like things before had been as well.

At the end of the day, it didn't matter to me. Ianto had promised me a good detailed message, and I thoroughly believed he would give it to me. There was nothing more that I could possibly ask for.

Hello, Alia. I'm glad that you're allowing me to send these long messages, as it gives me a place to simply gives me a place to let my thoughts flow out. While I do have to apply somewhat of a filter to it, it's not very much of anything that I would find to be particularly striking. However, I need to tell you that you are always welcome to reply should you ever feel the urge.

But I'm sure you don't want to waste any of your time trying to write out a message for me. I probably should stop wasting your time by writing out all of this and get to what is actually happening here at the central base.

Not much has changed from yesterday, but I have certainly been able to get to know my fellow team mates somewhat better. You know that I am not the most sociable person, but I won't shy away from people if I find them to be welcoming to me. This is precisely what I have found to be the case here with the Intel Initiative, and I can relate to many of them as well.

You already know Cecily, of course. I cannot say that I truly know her as she remains somewhat of an enigma, but I certainly can see that she has very impressive leadership skills unparalleled to anyone else I had met before.

I must say, Britta is very intelligent. She's revealed to us that very few people believed in her abilities when she was younger because they assumed she was "ditzy." Instead of letting this break her, however, she strived to improve herself. Now she's made it to the Intel Initiative. While yes, she is rather ditzy about some things, she tends to be extremely smart and a valuable part of the group.

Everett is somewhat of an opposite to her in terms of how he carries himself. You are consistently aware that he is very clever and he always make it a point to show this off whenever he is given the opportunity. As I've said before, he has been the forerunner in getting somewhat successful data reviving codes.

But even though we've just been here for a matter of days, our progress is significant. We are indeed working on a deadline - however, it has not been clear when exactly this deadline will be ending. I guess they just want us to our best in however much (or little) time we have left.

Nell is still looking over me, which I guess is all we could've ever asked for. It's not as if either of us did ask for it at the end of the day, but as I've said before I don't mind it. I can't stop praising her on everything that she's ever done. She's extremely intelligent, but she isn't cruel about it.

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