Chapter Twenty

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Now that everything was through and the main thing taking place in the field base was celebrations for the fact we'd been successful in getting through our mission, I realized there was no better time to confront Ronnie on what had happened right before our mission.

There was a feeling in my stomach telling me that it was more than likely that Ronnie would probably deny me any answers about all of it...either that, or she would probably manipulate me into doing this or that, which she tended to be very good at. The very idea of confronting her about anything just seemed somewhat bizarre - no one wanted to mess with her, not really, even about this sort of thing.

I supposed I had an advantage over most people - I was her friend, most likely her best friend, and I knew my way around what she strongly disliked...most of the time. Sometimes it was difficult to figure out what exactly was best and what wouldn't end up making her furious.

And I knew that whatever happened with the kiss was something that was most likely emotionally charged - Ronnie had never struck me as the type who would do such a thing without any sort of meaning behind it. She always could think of an explanation for everything, and I was more than ready to hear what she was going to say to explain this one to me.

At the same time, I could sense that it wouldn't be something that I would end up enjoying. It would more than likely end up being something that only made my situation feel worse for whatever reason. Ronnie and I were the types who should clash with one another, but instead we went together well. I was hoping asking her about it wouldn't end up being the thing that stopped all of that from occurring.

These thoughts swirled through my mind as I made my way back to my room, and I couldn't help but release an enormous sigh just in order to get myself a little farther. I felt like this was a proper time to let out a sigh - there wasn't much of any better time to do such a thing, not when Ronnie was around.

I opened up the door, glad to notice I'd managed to beat Ronnie back there. I had a feeling that was the case, but I couldn't possibly be sure after everything. There was always that chance I could be wrong and I wouldn't have any more time to prepare myself to speak to her.

I sat on my bed, knowing that Ronnie would be back in the room at any moment. In a strange sort of way, I was thankful that she had given me such a major distraction from everything else that was going on within my life. It certainly wasn't the best one she could've chosen, but now I was spending less time feeling depressed over Ianto and more time worrying about what the kiss meant.

I decided that I needed to prepare for the entire confrontation with Ronnie - it could either go very well, or things could go horribly wrong. I was certainly hoping that it would be the former, but sometimes it was difficult to predict what Ronnie would do.

Which was precisely the problem I'd gotten myself into in the first place. I hadn't understood what Ronnie was doing, and now I had to attempt to figure it out before things went too far. I could feel myself longing to know why she'd kissed me, knowing that there had to be a real answer out there to explain it all.

Ronnie wasn't the sort who would do something with no purpose behind it - as impulsive as everything might've seemed to any outside, I knew it was far more than that. Anyone who knew her at all knew that she adored having plans and preparations. The main thing that seperated her from others, however, was how she managed to build these in only a few moments.

But that meant there must've been some amount of planning behind what Ronnie had done when she'd kissed me. I'd spent so much of my life trying to figure out what she was up to and what was going through her mind, but it had never felt so important as it did in that moment.

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