54 7 2

it was nearly 2am, yet the four friends showed no signs of stopping until their liver did. while sungjin's wise words were acknowledged, younghyun's were being followed. this could be seen from the (two) noise complaints the apartment got. one was from their neighbours from across the hall, the other was from the weird naked guy in the apartment complex across the street. (who technically didn't complain, he just wanted to know if he could join in. he was declined.)

jae would be finished his shift at 3am, therefore, the friends had time to trash the fuck out of the place and restore it before he got back. well, that was their usual plan when nights like this came around. at the present moment in time, sunghyeok were getting it on (younghyun prayed) in jae's room. no explanation needed. dowoon and younghyun had evacuated to the balcony to take in a view of the city. neither of them said anything for a moment - both taking in the noise, smoke and lights from below.

"is now a bad time to say that i'm afraid of heights?" dowoon asked, who was nearly fully bent over the edge of the railing, not taking his eyes off the people infested pavement - 16 stories down.

"please tell me you're joking." younghyun asked, dowoon was a pain in the ass most times - but he didn't want his drunk friend to end up like chewing gum on the sidewalk, nor did he want to get sued for dowoon vomiting onto some poor, unfortunate soul. all this aside, the youngest was the only one younghyun could tolerate the most (aside from jae, but that's 'different'.)

dowoon pouted, still looking down, he sighed, "you're right, i was joking...." he trailed of and sighed again.

"you alright dowoon? usually when you're drunk, or at least tipsy, you're pretty happy? what's wrong?" younghyun was the most sober out of everyone (which wasn't hard), so now he was concerned about dowoon.

"i thinking and i KNOW that's dangerous before you start talking shit hyung. however comma," the younger took in a deep breath, "i know how you can make jae fall in love with you." younghyun looked at dowoon in bewilderment. he had two options, laugh it off - dowoon was a little stupid even when he wasn't tipsy. or, he could listen to the advice and take it - or not take it. but, if he didn't take it then this story would be pretty pointless then wouldn't it? (fourth wall break!)

"i, um, sure, let's hear it." younghyun sighed and prepared for the worst. 

"catfish him."

"what the fuck? how? why? how fucking drunk are you?"

"not enough hyung, not enough, but like hear me out," dowoon took a drink out of his (99%) cola and (1%) vodka. "he won't know that it's you, because it won't be your face, just you talking and expressing your feelings for him."

younghyun shouldn't have asked. "there are are so many flaws in your plan. okay, maybe like two but they're very important!"


"well, if i WERE to hypothetically catfish my best friend and make him fall in love with me, how? that in itself could take forever! secondly, couldn't i like get sued from whoever's pictures i'm using? what if nev and max find me? oh my god dowoon i'm gonna die." younghyun began pacing in circles on the balcony. his mind was racing and that wasn't just because of the alcohol.

"hyung, chill the fuck out, dowoon's got this!"

"how can i chill when i know YOU are in charge of this!"

"you technically never consented to doing this..." dowoon gave younghyun an 'i told you so look', while taking a long overdue sip of his drink (drag queen style).

younghyun sighed and weighed out his options again. "am i going to regret this?" he asked dowoon, sounding defeated.

"mmh, probably? i don't know man, i can't predict the future." dowoon shrugged, downing the rest of his drink.

"what do i have to lose?"

"the other person who pays rent in this place."

"that was meant to be rhetorical, but thanks for making me slightly regret this."

"only slightly?" dowoon teased.

"fuck off, but, if jae and i never speak to each other ever again, i'm blaming you - bitch." dowoon was about to protest those comments, but was cut off. "now, how do i go about catfishing?"

"i thought you'd never ask." dowoon replied.


i deadass wrote out the entirety of how this story is going to play out to the T - and i've lost where i wrote it out. i'm going to cry.

idk if this chapter made sense - what did you think about it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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