6. Fascinated me

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You putted a spell on me.
A very bad and beautiful spell at the same time.
There's no way for escape.

I have to admit that i'm happy and sad at the same time.

My life have no taste without you in it.

Who said that death come once in life? With you, i'm dying a thousand time.
It's hard to be with someone who treat you like a friend. But i can't risk and tell you.

I love you.. And i know what i mean to you.
I love you.. And i know that your answer may hurt me.
How much i suffered when i got jealous and you talk with someone else. And i know i have no right to complain.

I accepted to be a friend just so i can be close to you.
And i'm between two fires; i'm scared if i told you, i may lose you..
and i'm scared to lose you if i don't tell you.

Despite that i really need you to love me in the way i do.

The thing is that i don't want to shine like a star to pay your attention,
i want you to see me in my darkest state, and love me.
You make everything feel good and bad all at once.

When it comes to you, i become weak. You're my weakness.
You're the one who set my blood on fire.
I'm so scared to lose you. I'm too attached to you.

You mesmerized me from the first sight. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you.
You're my first thought.. And my last.

You're haunting me even in my dreams.
You were holding my hand and hugging me tight into your chest.
You sent me your smile that i fell for it💕

Those little gestures made my day.. even if it was a dream.

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