Sandy vs Spongebob: Lover's Quarrel

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Round 1:
After entering the ring, Sandy bowed to Spongebob, and started the fight.

Sandy elbowed Spongebob and knocked him over, but Spongebob kicked her in the skull and kicked her away while she held her head in pain. Then he body slammed her, but she knocked him away. The now blood-soaked sponge made a mad dash at her and used his special move "The Cheese Grater" on her.

After Sandy got her ass grated on the concrete, she was kicked back into the wall. Then she smacked Spongebob and kicked him down. When Spongebob got up, he elbowed Sandy away and stomped on her head.

But suddenly, all the blood on Sandy disappeared and Lady Gaga jumped in! Spongebob was screwed. Gaga loaded her machine gun bra and started shooting Spongebob. Sandy had called Lady Gaga to help her! So Gaga proceeded to smack Spongebob to shards with her guns, routinely stopping to load off a few rounds into Spongebob's skull.

Spongebob collapsed, dead on the floor. Gaga proceeded to change her clothes to a dress made of Sandy action figures and sang ten of her greatest hits to entertain the audience before high fiving sandy and flying away on a magical chariot manned by chrome unicorns.

Next Battle: Timmy Turner vs Cosmo vs Wanda

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