Caillou vs Rosie: Siblingly Hate

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Caillou was fighting with Rosie at the dinner table, punching and slapping eachother. They were teleported to a concrete arena where they could fight all they want.

Caillou started with a pelvic thrust towards Rosie. It connected with her and made her fall over. Rosie retaliated with a body slam, but Caillou grabbed her and suplexed her twice. Rosie shook free and punched him flying across the entire arena.

While he was down, Rosie stomped on his head and hurt him very much. He got up and crushed Rosie's skull with some body slams, before she tore off his leg with her bare hand, making him cry out to the heavens. He retaliated by jumping into the sky and bicycle kicking Rosie across the entire field. He then reaches into the hole where his leg once was and took out his kidney. He cut it open and pulled out a kidney stone. Then he threw it at Rosie.

Her leg was completely destroyed as she screamed. She rushed at Caillou in a fit of pained rage, making them fly across the arena. The floor and roof disappeared and they battled as they fell. Caillou tornadoed Rosie, flinging her across the collapsing arena. The floor appeared again, and Caillou's arm was ravaged. Rosie cloned herself five times and sandwiched Caillou to near death. One Rosie's skirt fell off and Caillou laughed at her for wearing panties.

In response, the roof disappeared and many more Caillous and Rosies fell down from the sky. Then, their limbs reappeared and they were in the moon. There was no gravity, so they whipped out some weapons and fought more. Withh effort, they grabbed their own Elucidator and began to joust. They grabbed some armor and truly began. Instantly, on the first hit, Rosie's leg fell off. She began to cry and stabbed back. Caillou's weapon broke and fell off. With her last breath, she executed a monstrous combo that completely obliterated Caillou.

After that, Rosie sat at the dinner table, with Caillou's limbless body sitting at the table too with half his face missing. Doris entered and screamed. Rosie then said: "We had a little fight."


Next fight: TBA vs TBA

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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