The Feasts .

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Percy P.O.V
Over the past 2 weeks, I was training hard for the war. I trained in Atlantis for 10 days. Triton and Dad made me a powerful trident which in its neutral form is a beautiful necklace. He also gave me a beautiful bow which was blessed by Apollo and Artemis. It had infinite arrows and improved accuracy but i still needed to learn the technique. I trained with Artemis on different hunting weapons like spears and hunting knives. Zeus gifted me a spear as a showing of gratitude for all the times I helped save Olympus. Hades gave me hunting knives which I could use to summon the dead and summon shadows. Hestia blessed my shield so now it is a fire shield and Nico also blessed it so Whatever it touches will suffer a lot of damage. The spear turned into a ring and the hunting knives turned into another bracelet that was made up of obsidian beads. I was literally a walking armoury!

Artemis taught me close combat which I mastered. I was close to her skill now. Both the archer twins taught me archery which I was pretty good at. I had sonic arrows, earth arrows, water arrows and lightning arrows which can all appear if I think of which arrow I want.

I was really powerful and probably the best swordsman in greek history. I can be very aggressive but my defence is really solid. I have a really good technique and fast hands so I can pary strikes pretty easily.

Our marriage is about to come so Nico and I created a tropical island, 5 star bedrooms. We made it our home and it is protected with a magical barrier so no monsters can come. The island has a charm so only people who we trust and know can come. For our honeymoon, we have kept it shut. We kept working on it and it looks beautiful now.

"Great job, Nico" I exclaimed

"It would not have happened without you" he said fist bumping"

Tomorrow there was a feast at Olympus hosted by the family of Zeus. It was tonight. Then next week was a feast by Hades and Poseidon, then the wedding and honeymoon.

Artemis and I were really tense heading to Olympus. We were getting ready to host the guests. When we arrived with Nico and Athena, we saw Zeus, Hera, Hebe, Hercules, Bellona,  Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes and Apollo and Enyo, Eilethyia and Persephone (since it was spring). We greeted triton, Amphitrite, Hades, Persephone, Poseidon, Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Aphrodite and minor gods goddesses like Kymolpeidia, Iris, Hecate, Nemesis and more.

The feast consited of great food, cooked by Hestia herself.

The feast went on smoothly until Hercules came to our table. I was arguing with Athena on which domain is more powerful. Time or knowledge.

You lucky punk. I would have wanted to have A virgin as my wife. My dad gave me Hebe  but I was going to have her. He proceeded to grab Artemis and Athena and drag them away. I used my time power to stop him there. Everybody was looking at what they saw. I took out my bow and shot him in the heart, He turned into golden dust and would reform in Tartarus for a few centuries. When I was done, Athena and Artemis thanked me and went back to doing whatever they were doing. Hebe Hera and Zeus were talking about divorcing him. Some people breathed a sigh if relief since Hercules was disliked by many people. Even his siblings!

Th rest of the feast went really well. Zeus gave a speech on his two favourite daughters and nephews and how he was willing to collaborate with Hades and Poseidon. I kept pinching myself to not to go to sleep. It was the most boring time of my life.

Fortunately, it ended and  I went in my palace for some much needed rest. In two day we have a feast at atlantic and then one at the underworld in three days. Then the weeding next week.

In the morning I went out for a walk at Olympus. It was a pleasant weather. I walked past Apollo's Palace. He was flirting with Nymphs. They all just giggled and ran off. I bet this is what he does everyday.

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