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AN: This is just an idea atm, so if it seems rough, I apologize. Shoot me some suggestions if you have any! Also, I would like to thank Dusklily for helping me out with editing. I hope you enjoy!

I was around fifteen years old when my powers started showing. I was a quiet girl back then, only talking when spoken to and always grabbing the seat furthest to the back of a room. No one followed me and I was fine with just having my sister, Yang, keep me company. My daily schedule was to wake up, go to school, and come home. It was easy and simple. Then a girl named Weiss showed up.

Weiss was perfect. She was a straight A student, rich, and she was absolutely gorgeous. I had developed a crush on her almost instantly. Back then I thought I had no chance. Well... before she came to the back of the class and took the seat next to mine. We quickly became best friends even though at first she sorta hated my guts because I spilled coffee on the white shirt that she was wearing. She got over it and warmed up to me quickly though.

A few months after I met Weiss is when the bullies found me. They started picking on me because they thought I was "hogging Weiss to myself," and that I was a "stupid dyke." I guess I made it pretty obvious huh? It doesn't matter though, because for the longest time it seems that she didn't notice it like the others.

At first, that was all they did was throw insults at me. It slowly got more violent as time passed. It started with small things; throwing paper at me, knocking my books out of my hand, slamming my locker. Things like that. After they realized that that didn't really affect me they got much more touchy. I regularly got beat up after school and not a day went by when I didn't have a bruise somewhere on my body from the beatings.

After being subjected to this for a few weeks, I finally snapped. While I was getting beat up against a locker, I put my hands on the guy's chest to push him away. What I did not expect to happen was for my hands to glow and the guy to get blasted through the wall into the next classroom.

I feel to the ground afterwards and all I could do was look at my hands and think 'I'm a monster. Nobody should come near me.' I just sat there and cried as my hands glowed a bright neon pink. I had no power over it and I didn't know how to stop it, so when the other kids looked through the new hole in the wall and saw me there they all rightfully started to panic. Most of them got up and ran, others were frozen in fear.

Weiss saw the whole thing, but instead of running away like the others, she helped me. She knew the DUP was coming for me now, so without a word she grabbed my hand, got me back on my feet, and we ran. We didn't even know where we were going, but all I know is that we ran and never looked back. From that day me and Weiss were on the run together through the country. We could never stay in a place for longer than a few days before the DUP found us and we had to run again. The odd thing was, Weiss and I thought it was fun. No matter how many close calls we had, we always came out of the chase giggling like little girls while we ran towards our next destination.

It was during one of these adrenaline fueled happy fits that Weiss grabbed my head and kissed me fully on the lips. After that we never let each other go, always traveling hand in hand. After three years of running, the DUP gave up on chasing us and instead offered us a job at one of their facilities where they study these things called blast cores, which are basically just shards of pure energy. They wanted us to research them and use me as a kind of test dummy for their effects on conduits, seeing as they had no effect on normal people.

At first, Weiss was against the idea because she thought it was a trap, but after I convinced her to try it we met up with Brooke Augustine, the leader and founder of the DUP. A week later we both had a stable job, a house, and after awhile Weiss proposed to me. We are now happily married and have been doing this job for four years and during those years I've gotten exceptionally stronger. I've learned to use my powers to their full potential. I can run up walls, shoot lasers, and put objects in their own stasis bubble. I'm practically a god to normal people.

It was scary at first, seeing how destructive I could be at first, but I never knew how much I would have to use these powers... Now I know.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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