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Hope this is a good one. *crosses fingers*
PS: I made this probably before both break ups happened.

*Don't forget to read my others* ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) Thank You for the support! ^W^

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Dude! half of the time i can't understand if your just playing with me..or not. Ev- "Well i can't either Anthony!" Ian stepped in. "One minute your all caring needy and junk then your like. Freaking, Bitch slappin' mode.. and i know its not your panic attacks Anthony, so don't give me the bull crap!" The huge bass beats from the music upstairs was loudly heard from the quiet room. Ian thought he was not shouting loud enough. As shocked as he was Anthony went right back at him. shouting.

"Ian I barely remember you showing your feelings when you were younger. Now since we've gotten older, you decided to show a little something, Huh?!" He felt a guilt feeling in his tummy as he tried to laugh off what he was saying. "I guess even more since what happened last Thursday."

Ian eyes began filling up with tears, looking up at the ceiling for a brief moment, trying to comprehend what he was taking from Anthony. "Well you know what? I'm thinking that whole thing was a fucking mistake. Anthony, you know and I know that we wouldn't have a moment like that." He then looked into Anthony's eyes. "But guess what?..."

Anthony quickly looked away from Ian, knowing it was the
truth. Ian chuckled sarcastically. "I- i think I should go before anyone comes lookin' for us." He turned and walked upstairs towards the door."Ian. Wait." Anthony tried to catch him. Ian stopped and right after, he felt Anthony touch his back ever so lightly. "I'm just confused.. i don't know- i just have so many mixed emotions. Kalel, You, Everything." Ian slightly turned his head to Anthony one hand firmly on the door knob. "Well, i think you should think about it.. and i will do the same." With that he left going into the upbeat room. Filled with dancing and laughter.


Don't let me go. *Ianthony*Where stories live. Discover now