un-organized *cont.*

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As Ian opened the door Melanie *Ian's gal* was not too far to be spotted. "Hey babe!" She was dancing ever so bubbly and unique, with a huge smile on her face. He loved that about her. Ian's head start to hurt. "Can we go?" Melanie couldn't. Hear. A thing. She then squinted her eyes, trying to understand Ian's words coming out of his mouth. It wasnt easy in a place like this. She then answered in confusion: "What!?"

At this point Ian was threw with the shouting. No More.

He sighed then simply hugged her and took her hand that led them outside in the night stars. "Babe?" Melanie said hesitantly as they were walking to the car. "Don't you wanna stay a little longer?" Ian put his seat belt on and took a deep breath out.

Soon before he realized the tears, were A-Coming. "Ian? whats wrong?" Melanie took a hold of his hand. "Nothing, nothing I just have a huge headache and the music wasn't making it better.. I'm sorry." He looked forward trying to compose himself what just happened back there. "That's okay it's cool, I understand.. I miss my Daisey. Let's go home." Melanie added. With that they drove off.

Tis' Short. >.<

Next Chaper... 

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