night at the lynches

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" guys it's 11 :30 we should go home " i frown. " noooooo!!!!!! you can't go home yet ! we jus met pease stay " all the girls practically begged . " yea why don't you guys seepover " ross smiled . i smiled back at him. i look over at m brother. he nods . " i guess i could sleepover . " everyone cheered . " eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" rydel squealed. " lets go upstairs and paint our nails , talk about boys , and unwrap preacious secrets " she said grabbing my wrist attempting to drag me away . " no thanks i wanna play video games . " i take back my arm. " no way you can't even beat level one of anything " riker laughs. ell was just laughing t himself in the back. " wanna bet blonde boy " he raised his eyebrows . " please " i walk over to the couch and pick up a controler . " hit me " i say still lookingup at him with more confidence then he could ever show in a lifetime. " black ops " he says straight forward . " bring it " he turns on the game bringing our characters in battle .

- after 3 hours -

" man i can't believe i got beat by a girl 5 times in a row. " you should have known. alyssa only plays black ops in her free time. i nod. " you should have stoped gambiling when you realized you left your wallet at home " everyone stop cheering and looked at me confused. " im sorry im terrible at smack talk " they laughed.  " hey i have a fun game we could play " cassie shreiked causing us to stop laughing. " what is it babe " ross asked. she blushed at his comment. like her cheeks were replaced with tomatos or were slathered in red paint. " we could have a stay up all night contest . when someone goes to sleep we do something to them so if you go to sleep , make sure you have one eye open ." she jumps excitedly. we all agree. " so what do we do until someone goes to sleep ?" heather asked . " we could play truth or dare " ryland suggests. we nod and gather in a circle . " i will start , alyssa truth or dare " ry asks . " dare " he smiled evilly. " take off your shirt and jump in the pool in your bra " i shrugged. i took off mmy shirt and throgh it on the couch . all the boys were staring at me jaw dropped. of course their girlfriend smacked them hard making them snap out of it. " like what you see " i laugh . the girls did too but the boys just went back into their trance. i ran outside and jumped in the pool. it felt like electricity ran through my body . i jumped up to surface shivering . " THAT WATER IS C-COLD " i laugh. rocky wrapped me in a towel . and we all went back inside . i staye shirtless because i wasn't gonna get my only shirt wet , plus i wanna mess with the boys a little bit more . im evil hehe. " crysal truth or dare " i ask. " truth im no dare devil " she says nervously. " is it true that you dream dirtly of ryland ?"i ask.she blushes. " wanna play spin the bottle " every one laughs. " sure ," we all play that for a while i had to kiss rocky... which he enjoyed . and it wouldn't be our first. ross kisses Heather. Crystal kisses ryland . bella kissed riker. ratliff kisses cassie. rydel.... hugged me. after a few hours of kissing we watched a movie and fell asleep

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