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I arrived at school, and was immediately met by a very crowded hallway.

God, I hate people.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards my locker. I took out my books and made my way towards the first class I had- Literature.

I felt as if I had traveled back in time when Earth was just made because what I was witnessing, was pure chaos.

Paper planes all over the class, two weirdos kissing in the last bench with three others recording them in their phones, a boy being bullied by 2 assholes, and to give it a finishing touch, Jung Hoseok, a.k.a, my seatmate was dancing on the desk without removing his shoes.

Can I just go back to my bed?

I let out a frustrating sigh and made my way over to my seat. I pushed Hoseok off the desk which startled him and almost made him lose his balance. I probably wouln't feel bad if he fell, face first cause that's what a person deserves for dancing on MY desk without their shoes OFF.

"Move away, peasant".

"Oh Luna! You're here!", Hoseok exclaimed and engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug," -and on time!", he said after checking his non-existent watch.

Did I mention Jia, Hoseok and I were best friends? Well, yeah.

"Okay, okay, cool down child", I told him and settled down on my seat.

After a few minutes, the teacher finally entered the room. Her name was Mrs. Assheart, well its Ashart if we are being precise but, where's the fun in that?

So, Mrs.Assheart is a 50 year old hag, with wrinkles all over her body, a bright red lipstick on her lips as if she is just about to kiss the next person she lays her eyes on, and her spectacles always on her nose, not eyes.

I prepared myself to pass out on my desk when she suddenly told us about a new student,who had transferred to our class.

It caught my interest and I was curious to see, who was dumb enough to enroll in our school.

A chocolate-haired boy made his way to the teacher's desk, head facing the ground and hands clapped together.

But, when he did lift his head, I completely forgot how to breath.

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin".

Thoughts//P.J.MWhere stories live. Discover now