Chapter 1

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     "Have you heard? There was a demon attack last night!"

     "Cara bought it last night, in the demon attack. Thank goodness she was the only casualty."

     Whispers like these filled the streets. Kelsi listened closely. She hated the demons more than anything else, even more than the people who annoyed her most. As soon as she heard the name "Cara," tears welled in her eyes. Cara was her close friend, in fact her only friend.

     Kelsi solemnly walked home, still mourning. She tried to prepare herself for the news station to cover her friend's demise.

     Hmph, she thought to herself, they probably won't even get it right. She suddenly stopped and looked over her shoulder to see a man yelling in complete frustration.

     "The demons are coming! The demons are coming! We don't have much time left! Fight with me when the sun is gone and the moon is full! The demons are coming!" The strange man was causing quite the commotion. Kelsi heard the sound of distant sirens, quickly wailing closer to take care of that lunatic on the side of the road.

     They'll probably take him to Stupid Academy for Dumb People, Kelsi thought to herself. The Education Center of Roanoke (not the Stupid Academy for Dumb People, as Kelsi liked to call it), educated every last person known to live in this boring metropolis. They would take people for five long years, slowly implanting information into their brains. Kelsi had hated every second of it, especially the overly dragged out part about demons. They taught you that demons were terrible creatures of the night that fed on human flesh, and that their strength depended on the phases of the moon.

     She suddenly snapped out of her train of thought, realizing the sun was slowly starting to slip away from the rose-colored sky. She ran the rest of her way home and made it to her front porch as the final wisps of sun disappeared from the now navy, star-littered sky. As she went inside, she could see the faint outline of a demon looking for an unsuspecting person to unleash its wrath on.

     Suddenly, the sweet scent of cider hit her in the face. Her mom knew she loved a warm cup of apple cider after a long day, so she always had one prepared.

     "I'm home!" Kelsi yelled into the unusual stillness of her home. There was no response. Kelsi wandered around her small home, looking for her mother. Then out of the blue, she heard an ear-piercing, blood-curdling scream.


Heyo! Sorry about not updating in a while. I've been super busy. I'll try and get the next chapter up soon!

NightfallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora