Chapter 4

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Kelsi opened her eyes to a bright light.

Am I in heaven? She thought to herself. Oh, I just forgot to close my blinds. I'm so glad that was just a dream.

She realized that the strange beeping noise was coming from her alarm clock.

Reluctant to get out from under her covers, she grabbed her earbuds and swung them at the off button, hoping that the impact would be hard enough to turn her shrill alarm off. But after multiple attempts, she gave up and reached out her arm, only to slam the button and go back under the covers.

But she then realized that her mom would come in and force her to get out of bed by singing really bad songs that she made up, pulling the covers away, dragging her off her bed onto the floor. With that in mind, she decided to get up before any of that could happen.

She slowly started to sit up, stretching her arms out as she did. She then reluctantly moved her covers off of her body, and shivered at the cold air surrounding her.

Huffing in annoyance, she went to get ready for the day.

When she stepped outside, something seemed off, not like her dream, but still off. It seemed dimmer than usual. But Kelsi just brushed the feeling away ,seeing as it wasn't her dream, and got to working in her yard.

Time skip

A few hours later, Kelsi cleaned up her tools and went inside for lunch. She was watching TV and eating ramen when her mom came into the room.

“Hey Kelsi? What time is it?”

“It's noon, mom.”

“There's no way it noon Kelsi. are you sure?”

“I'm sure.”

“Well, then why is the sun setting?”

Heyo! Sorry this took so long, I didn't realize I had this chapter written for a month...

Just in case no one saw the description in my one-shot book, people who aren't into anime shouldn't feel obliged to read it!


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