3. Boyfriend? Hell no! Never.

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His eyes were locked with mine for a second when i look up to see who it was. He has a plain white shirt well it was white... A dark red beanie and black skinny jeans with some black shoes. He is really tall, problably he didnt see me because im pretty much a short tiny teenage girl. He has a lip ring. He probably think he is so punk with it or something.

"Damnit! Watch were you going!" blue eyes boy says.

"Excuse me?! You were the one who bumped into me!" i yell.

What the hell? I expected an apology or something not this shit!

"No, you were the one that bumped into me!" he yell.

"No you did!"

"It doesnt matter you owe me a new shirt!!" he answered.

Are you kidding me? Now i have to buy a shirt to the idiotic stranger?! Great. I thought that today was going to be a Nice day.

"You owe me a new meal!" i yelled at him.

"Fine, whatever! What did you order?" he says.

I sighed loudly and answered him.

"I ordered a French Vanilla coffee a cheesecake a brownie and a Juice box." i answered quickly.

His went wide open and started staring at me.

"Damn your a Hungry beast!!" he asnwers.

"No I am not you idiotic stranger!! Its not all for me!" i yelled at him.

He laughs.

He has a pretty laugh though.

"Idiotic? Whats with the fanciness?" He looks at me with a confusion face but still with a stupid smile.

"I like to talk like that" i said with a serious face.

"Okayy, When you gonna buy my new shirt?" he says.

"As soon as you buy my meal"

"Fine but i get to pick the shirt" he answeres with a smirk.


I hope he doesnt pick an expensive shirt. He looks like those types of guys who likes the most expensive things.

"Deal?" He says but more like a question. He takes out his hand of his pocket like he was going to greet someone.

"Deal" i take out my hand and shake his hand.

He smiles and turneds around looking in the direction of the cashier. He starts walking towards the cashier which i follow. He looks at the menu and rapidly looks at the cashier.

"I'll get a French Vanilla coffee, a cheesecake, a brownie, juice box and a Strawberry and kiwi Frappe."

I guess the frappe was for him. I stare at his Beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous hair. How gorgeous boy can such be a dick? I ask myself when he looks at my direction he caught me staring at him.

"What are staring?" he asks. I realized i was still staring at him and rapidly look away.

"Nothing, why you care?" I answered quickly.

"I dont" he answers with blank face.

"Well why you asked?"

"Curious" he answers.

"You know that curiousity was the thing that killed the cat right?"

I always like to say that metaphor i do not know why but i do.

"Yeah" he asnwers.

"Okay then" i say giving up.

When our order is coming? i should be by now at lilys school.

"Here you go" the cashier says to us and he give us the bag which had our order.

"That will be $ 9.49" The blonde boy with a pair of blue eyes gives the cashier the money and turns around and starts walking towards the door. He stops and wait for me.

"Thanks" i say to the cashier. I walk towards the stranger and we exit the the beautiful coffee shop.

"So The Shopping Center it is?" he says.

"Kinda..." i say without finishing.

He looks at me with a confused look which im trying to ignore.

"What you mean by 'Kinda...' "?! He says.

"I have to get my lil' Sister from school" i say without looking at him.

He continues to stare at me with a confused face but with an idiotic smile

"Awwe! Thats sooo sweet!!" he says teasing me.

Does this ever gets tired of annoying people i mean God jesus! He teases about every damn thing and the worst part is he has this perfectly stupid smile in his face likes he's doing for joy. Atleast he didnt say anything soo rude i prefer that then some douche thing he says.

"Cant she wait?!" he snapped. And theres the rudeness again.

"Cant you wait?! Plus i should be there by now im late because of SOMEONE!" i said.

I kinda lied cause honestly i didnt want to go shopping alone with this dick head. Soo i lied, i lie wont hurt anyone. He sighs of defeat as we get closer to the Elematary school my lil' sister studies.


As we get closer to the entrance the more happy i am.

Ring Ring Ring

As the school bell sounds little kids comes running from their classes. The kids are always desperate to leave school atleast why i was. The entrance doors opens theirs a pail of kids running towards thei parents with joy.

While i look to the entrance i spotted this blonde little girl running towards me as her dress is moving around cause of her running.

"April!" the blonde girl calls out my name.

"Lily!" i shout with my arms open waiting for them to cover the little body.

She jumps towards and gives a tight hug. As i let her go she notice the boy next to me.

"April? Whos that your boyfriend?" she asks.

I look at him and look back to my little sister. Boyfriend? Hell no! Never.

"No! this is a friend i just need to buy him a few thing in the store." i answer quickly.

He looks at me with a confused face.

"Friend?! Were no-" I hit him in the stomach causing to stop talking. LlHe looks at me with a WTF?! face i look at him back but with Shut up face. Thankfully he undertood and answers.

"Yeah Friends"


(A/N)Sorry i dont Update so frequently i have a crappy internet and i couldnt update But now i did! YAY!

So please do this HUGE favor for me? yeah? no? okay.. Please rate this chapter and the others and Comment!! i wanna know what you think and if you want give me some suggestions! Oh and SPREAD the the story!!


Well ill you from here!

xLove Batichikax

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