Chapter 12

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(reminder, this is the outfit)

(reminder, this is the outfit)

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Skye's P.O.V

Once the gate closed I returned to the ground and changed back to my usual form. I shot an angry glare at the girl but dismissed it and walked over to the man, who currently had one of his guildmates hovered over him and trying to heal him.

"It won't work fast enough." I said "They're species is haunted by their past, they don't know right from wrong. All they know is the need for revenge, the need to kill those they think have wronged them. He's lucky to have survived this long but trust me, your healing magic won't work fast enough on injuries that fatal."

"Well I have to try!" they cried "I won't let him die!"

"I'm not gonna let him die." I said "I just need you to keep his mouth open... no matter if he fights it or not."

"Why?" they asked

"Just do it" I said in a bit more impatient this time while pointing my knife at them

They simply gulped and nodded. Just like I had with Wendy, I used the blade to pierce my hand and hovered it above Rufus's mouth. He saw this and began to struggle. Just before he managed to free himself I used body manipulation on him.

"Body manipulation: paralyze" I said the went to hover my hand back over his mouth "Fuck, it healed already." I growled

I re-pierced the blade through my hand and squeezed my hand into a fist above his mouth, which he now had no choice but to keep open, and a small stream of blood pooled in his mouth before the wound on my hand once again healed and the stream of blood was cut off.

"Body manipulation: swallow" I said and Rufus swallowed the blood

After a few seconds all of his wounds were healed and everyone stared at me in awe. I simply walked back over to Orga like nothing happened.

"Sorry about that." I said "What were we talking about?"

"You were letting them talk to their dragons." he said and pointed behind me

I pulled out the lacrima "Weisslogia. Skiadrum." I said and the lacrima began to glow

"Yes Skye?" they asked "Is everything okay?"

"Talk to your kids." I said and passed the lacrima to the two of them "Let me know when you're done." I said with a smile and began to catch up with Orga, who only ever seemed to be very talkative around me

Sting's P.O.V

I walked up to Orga, expecting to find Skye with him.

"Where's Skye?" I asked him when I noticed that she wasn't with him

He silently motioned for me to be quiet and follow him. Rogue and I followed him to an empty room, or at least what we thought was an empty room. Skye sat in the corner with Frosch and Lector. She had Frosch in her lap while she told him stories to fall asleep to, petting his stomach gently with one hand and petting Lector behind his ears with her free hand. Once Frosch was asleep she picked up Lector and cradled him in her arms against her chest, careful not to wake up Frosch.

"So what's your story little man?" she whispered

She let out a few hushed giggles here and there as Lector whisper-bragged about himself and a little bit about Frosch, but mostly about himself. Rogue and I smiled at the sight and after a while Lector fell asleep in her arms. Carefully, she shifted him into her  left arm and Frosch into her Right and carrying them as if they were babies.

"Body manipulation:" she said, causing us to worry "pleasant dreams. Nightmares... blocked" she finished and we relaxed instantly

She walked over to the cabinet that was labeled blankets and just stared at it for a second before looking down at Frosch and Lector.

"Shadow manipulation: assist" she mumbled

Suddenly the shadows of the room seemed to come to life. They became tangible beings in that moment, opened the cabinet, and formed a bed out of the blankets before returning to their original states. Skye gently placed the two of them in the bed and pulled a blanket over them so they would stay warm but not feel too warm to the point of being uncomfortable. She went to walk out and was startled to see the three of us were watching her. Luckily, this time I received a shy smile after she was spooked instead of another kick to the face. I felt myself blush at the sight of her adorable smile. She let out a small yawn that sounded more like the tiny squeak of a kitten. I tried not to make my blushing too noticeable but I was dying from her cuteness. A single glance at Rogue and I knew he was the same way.

"It's getting late," I said "did you want us to walk you home or stay the night with us."

"Either is fine but I really wouldn't want to be a bother." she said, her eyes beginning to droop "I can.. home.... fine. No need to walk me." she said, missing half her words, her eyes practically shut at this point.

"You can stay with us. It's no bother." Rogue said

(A/N: Idk if Rogue and Sting live together, I don't think they do but fuck it this is my story and they're living together in my story)

She was too tired to protest and sleep was overcoming her quickly. I took her in my arms, bridal style, worried that she would pass out and fall.

"Thank you." she mumbled 

She let her eyes fully close, leaning into my chest and letting sleep overtake her body. Rogue grabbed her bag from the floor, placed her lacrima inside it, and pulled it onto his back before picking up the bed that Lector and Frosch slept on, making sure he didn't wake them up. We said goodbye to Orga and the guild before walking to our house with Skye and  exceeds in hand.

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